The local Hall just gave a local needs talk on NOT circulating Losch's talk that's been here on the internet as well as in a number of Witness hands. Evidently quite a few JWs are listening to the tape, making copies and letting everyone hear it. Well, the "Faithful & Discreet Slave" has said NOT to do this any longer. If THEY wanted it distributed, THEY would see to it that it was. So the strong counsel was to STOP CIRCULATING that talk!
Listen To This About GB Losch's Talk That Is Circulating Everywhere!!!!
by minimus 59 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah they don't want the world to hear this loonie,,ie: Bad publicity for the WT to have it's leaders talks to true beleivers made public to unbeleivers(not under mindcontrol).
Plus he sounds scary.
have you a link min? Which talk was it - the college bad, college bad, college bad talk?
JW`s hunger for anything from the WBT$..This will not stop..LOL!!.......It will keep happening..The only way the WBT$ can stop this,is by never saying anything..They will be in a position were they can`t tell JW`s anything!!..LOL!!.......The Irony!!!...................OUTLAW
I think it's the talk he gave at a Special Assembly Day or (the phrase escapes me) the Corporation meeting one.
The elders investigated who had copies, where they got them, etc. Then they spoke of the wrongness of circulating it.
They can investigate all they want..This is a sign of things to come.....This problem will repeat itself.....It`s going to get huge!.....The WBT$ has no idea what a problem this will be,in the future..That`s cuz they`re so smart and everyone else is a Dum-Dum....LOL!!..........................OUTLAW
This is really not new. They tried to quelch the "glamorizing nature" of Quackenbush Sr., former editor of the Awake! mag, years ago. I remember being at Bethel in 1979 and seeing a new ditty in the Kingdom Ministry about not having "special talks" given by notable personalities. We knew EXACTLY who that was aimed at, prompted by the jealous and most boring speakers in the Bethel home. Quak was quite the motivational speaker! Better than the loonies who were corporate shills, perhaps like Loesch (Does he give a nice talk?). Or maybe he really is a new rebel leader? Tell me more. Randy
Nothing like getting a bunch of people curious about something than to tell them in no uncertain terms to stay away from it. "Why cant I listen to a talk from a governing body member? Doesnt he have Holy Spirit?"