Different Dress Codes in Different Regions?

by StAnn 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StAnn

    I was just talking with a woman I know in NJ and she said that 30 years ago the JWs used to come to the door all dressed up but now the women come in slacks and she's even had some come to her door in "nice" jeans! She said that you can tell it's JWs, not Mormons, because the Mormons won't wear jeans out in their ministry.

    I've never heard of this at all. Around here in Ohio, everyone still dresses up. Is this an East Coast phenomenon?


  • StAnn


  • Slappy

    Mormons still dress up all 'nice'. I think the JWs that stop by are usually in casual business dress at least.

    I think it's pretentious and pointless to dress up as such. I see no point in doing so. For me, I would be much more inclined to carry on a Bible study with some guy/gal in normal everyday dress. Mainly because as things stand right now, it's almost guaranteed that they aren't part of a self-serving religious organization and are most likely doing what they are doing because they hold to the Bible and want that others gain an understanding of what is contained therein. That person is only motivated by care of others and not by increasing their standing among men in a man-made/ruled organization.

    But then again, that's just me. Any other thoughts?


  • MissingLink

    Witness women in jeans? I'm not buying it.

  • yknot

    In jeans ?????

    We have been having grooming talks before I was born!..... I aint buyin' it either!

    My area still has denim skirts (prairies are making a comeback for some reason) but culturally it is even acceptable via Knorr's comments.

  • iloowy

    No. The jeans thing is out for men and women when in service. And nothing but skirts for the ladies or they get the hounding from the elders. Maybe they stopped by on an "unofficial" we're in the neighborhood thing, not actually in service. The only time you see sisters in pants is at the Spring and Fall cleaning bees at the Kingdom Hall when they're trying to clean up weeds from the flower beds and sweep the parking lot while a lot of the guys are inside eating donuts and working on electrical systems, sound and any excuse not to be outside in the flower beds with the sisters.

  • shopaholic

    I've known of JW women to wear pantsuits to the bookstudy with the reasoning that they didn't have time to go home and change. However, that was put to an end when it started to spread after a few weeks. Anyway, I'm not inclined to believe that folks, in this country at least, are wearing jeans in their preaching work.

  • WTWizard

    Most likely, it is because of one local group of hounders that is lax with dress code and will allow presentable slacks and even jeans in presentable condition. It will probably last until the hounder-hounder or his hounder put a stop to it, and then they will crack down on it.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    at the 2006 "special" convention in hamburg germany I observed some interesting local phenomena

    beads being worn by brothers. I was told in some congos this is acceptable, others it is tolerated but no privleges.

    pierced belly buttons and noses..... in the tamil (sri lankin and indian) section, there were a lot of sisters, older and younger, who had these piercings.. no issues

    same sisters wearing saris... and often (esp the younger sisters) their bellybuttons were exposed... (thus the pierced bellybuttons)...

    I thought it was great and the sisters were beautiful... too bad that doesnt catch on...lol

    Snakes ()

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    No I don't think JW's were wearing jeans. We had a talk at our congregation how denim isn't even an appropriate fabric to wear to meetings or out in service. Even if it is in the form of a pink denim skirt. We would even get comments from people because I didn't dress my babies up like little preachers in suits and ties. It's so strange to look in my closet now, all my husband's suits and all of my long floral skirts and sweater sets just hanging there.


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