Either it's a local thing, then, or these people just feel really comfortable with my friend.
She brought it up because we were talking about how to stay warm in winter in a skirt/dress and I mentioned that I always wore long underwear and tall boots under my skirts when I went out in field service back in the "old days". My friend was surprised because she says the women always come to her door in slacks or nice jeans.
It must just be an isolated incident. I thought there was a ban on jean skirts, let alone jeans.
It reminded me of that stupid little "marking work" story someone posted on here about how the angels are watching as you go door to door, and how people may not open their doors when you knock but they're thinking, "Aren't those Jehovah's Witnesses? They're always dressed so nice and their children are so well behaved." I guess when you don't have anything substantive to give them theologically, things like being dressed nicely take on a bigger importance.