As long as you have family still in the JW`s..There`s always going to be problems..It does`nt go away.........................OUTLAW
Are YOU 100% Out Of Jehovah's Witness Control?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
What a bummer, UC. Why did you stay there and listen to them?
Outlaw, you're right. I think you'll always be impacted because of family still being in.
FF, I see your point.
I consider myself 50% in - heart and mind left years ago
My wife is still active, so the stink still lingers.
Why did you stay there and listen to them?
I was half asleep (and a little hungover) and figured it was better to let them yammer on, get it out of their system and they would go away and I could go back to sleep. If I tried to debate them on anything in my condition, I wouldn't have fared so well. Other than showing up unannounced and being a bit over-zealous they were pleasant, polite and friendly. No need to provoke the situation.
I'd like to go to a church or celebrate Christmas (maybe just hang lights out on the porch), but know that I can't if I don't want them to come knocking on the door. However, I just found out that the CO is visiting our cong this week....time for a visit.
NO. However, I am 100% out mind and body.
It is much like stepping in dog $hit. You may get a stick and get most of it off. You may wipe your shoes in the grass and get some more off. Heck, I even carry a gallon of soapy water in the car for just such occurances while working. But no matter how much you try, the stink lingers. You get back in the car, shut the still smell it. Only time walking it off (and away) does the stink finally go away. Maybe some of it is actually just memory of stink. Dunno.
Same with the WTBTS. Because of family and a couple of close friends, there are tendrils of control...though not enough to get me back in their direct clutches.
Mom is still a JW (in another state) long as she is alive (and I hope for decades to come ) and especially as long as I continue to live in the town I grew up in, I will not get it all off my shoes. One day I hope financially I can move north to a state where my brother and his GF live (and where a potential GF for me lives ...just friend for now), then I wont have to worry about anything from people I once knew. No worries about local hounders coming after me.
Snakes ()
Does being addicted to this site count?
Ditto Outlaw !
Tired of the Hypocrisy
My wife is very ill, but is still under their control. We are one flesh so yes I am still feeling the pain. My brother took blood but she will never know it. She encouraged me to tell hyim to take the blood since he is a whoremonger and gambler etc anyways. But if she knows he took it all of her JW family will jump in and start the judgement-fest.
That is one reason I never ask my FIL to visit anyone in the hospital. He thinks it is his place to jump in and defend the faith. Once I was in the hospital and had already filled out everything and when the doc came in he started in on him. You better not give him blood or Almighty Jehovah will destroy you......I was there to have a non blood procedure done.....