I'm searching for a new job. I've been searching for a new job for about 3-4 months now. The ones that I liked didn't hire me. The ones that liked me had something wrong with them.
I'm also looking into switching careers. There's no future in Electronic Repair anymore. Electronics have become cheap and disposable. In most cases, I can't repair something cheaper than it costs to replace it. Hence, I've been eyeballing the HVAC industry. People will always need Air Conditioning and Heating.
It looks like I've finally got a company interested in me, albeit for $2.30/hr less than what I'm making now (at least for the first 3 months). The benefits are kinda nice though: a company vehicle, and the company pays for gas (including transportation to and from work), a cell phone, and additional pay for any product I happen to sell while I'm servicing someone's furnace. It's a large company, lots of job security (they've been around since 1904 or something like that) plus I can get a discount on a new furnace for myself. Oh yeah, and they will pay me to go to school to get my apprenticeship.
My dad is currently looking into getting a new furnace, and I was going to tell him to hold off briefly because I could probably get him a discount. However, the conversation didn't go that way. Once I mentioned the company and considering working there, he told me that I should stay with electronics until something comes along that also has me fixing electronics.
It was then that I remembered that he has been unsupportive for every job that I've ever gotten. If I had listened to him, I'd still be working for that stupid temp agency. He told me not to get free help getting trained in how to job hunt, he told me not to work for the blind manufacturer, and he told me not to work for my current job because the temp agency would eventually find me a good job. I haven't regretted anything SINCE the temp agency. My current job is turning into a dead end, it looks like things are going downhill internally, and it's quite frightening. Not to mention the shit work they've had me doing... picking up garbage, setting up crappy outdated software, building crates, painting over graffiti, shovelling snow. And the way I got those jobs? Talk about RUDE! The snow shovelling was a favor at first, and then I got an email saying "Do we have to tell you every time to shovel snow, or do you think you can figure that out by yourself?"
Oh yeah, and the bitch who won't order any of the parts I ask for, and then blames me when the customer complains. I knew it was time to get out when I started seeing red and found myself walking to her office to throw a steel-bodied ammeter at her friggin head. I normally have a lot of patience with people, but after ten years of abuse from that woman, I've reached my boiling point. Enough is enough, I need to get out.
Sorry, I had to vent. Anyway, what do you all think of the HVAC industry? Is it worth getting into?
I forgot how unsupportive my dad is...
by Nosferatu 16 Replies latest jw friends
Just wanted to say an encouraging word... YES, it sounds like you're on the right track. Don't know personally about HVAC, especially not in your area, but it sounds like a really good transition for you. And dang... how did you work at that company for so long? Why are these people so incompetent AND unappreciative? Go where someone appreciates what you can do! This is a good thing!
Cheers and godspeed to you!
Baba. -
Well, I'm no expert in HVAC, but like you say, this is something that every homeowner has an interest in. I'm sure the technology is improving all the time too, so it just makes sense to continue your education (all the better if your employer is footing the bill).
The thing with your dad's generation is that the normal practice was to get hired someplace and stay there for life. There was very little in the way of ambition to improve your lot in life or even to keep your skill level in pace with technology and the education that new hires brought to the company. In today's job market, that attitude just isn't feasible nor is it the package that employers are looking to hire. All companies are looking to maximize profit - they don't want dead weight like older workers whose skill level and education are a decade or more past their prime.
Don't let him discourage you - you're a smart guy and you have a family to support, and if that means a career change is in the works, then go for it. Be the kind of dad to your own children that your dad wasn't and isn't for you.
Here's a clue about the HVAC field: my husband is a pretty smart fella and a do it yourselfer. He's in the automotive field, so he does all of the auto body and mechanical work on our vehicles as well as all remodeling, rewiring and maintainence on our house. THE ONE THING HE WON'T DO IS INSTALL A NEW FURNACE. He actually is going to pay someone else to do it, a flat out miracle. Go for it! Good luck!
Go for it. Even when new construction is slow, there are existing homes that need their a/c and furnaces serviced or replaced. You should always be busy and when you're ready you could start your own HVAC service and sales company.
- "how did you work at that company for so long?"
Well, before things got stupid, I actually enjoyed my work and was being paid decently. When things started getting stupid (around 3 years ago), there were no decent jobs out there. Now, the job market is just crazy with all the baby boomers starting to retire.
Also, after looking at what other employers were paying for a starting wage for the type of work that I do, I became quite offended after my (4 month late) raise of only 50 cents, which didn't even cover the increase in gas prices. I should be making somewhere above $20 per hour. And that's another thing... the raises have been consitently late for the last 3 years. They promise the raise in April, we get thre raise in August. We help make the bosses successful, they neglect us.
They installed a new ERP software system last year (for 25 employees) which costs thousands of dollard both to implement and maintain. They re-arranged the stock room to the way they thought would work well with the new ERP system (but sucks for the employees), they're not using the system to it's full potential, and the same garbage inventory got transferred into it. The stuff that's been going out the door for the past few months has been unprofessional and incomplete, due to the person who keeps inventory not keeping any inventory.
When they decided to have four MANDATORY summer bbqs where the employees were told to supply the food, that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I started job hunting, and there's an abundance of jobs out there right now. -
There are always jobs in HVAC. My hubby wanted to do this training while we were in the WT but never had the time to do it. He makes a good living now but still regrets not learning this trade. Good Luck and you are right, electronics are going nowhere. One thing I would suggest is to do an online search of jobs in your area that are in demand. I know here in the Boston area, HVAC techs are always needed and I am sure you will find the same there. People always need heat and airconditioning.
Remember you don't need your dad's approval anyway, although I know it would be nice. I understand completely where you are coming from. I am the only one out of 5 kids that graduated highschool and college, and I neither of my parents went to either graduation, or gave me a card or cake. Nothing! Anyway, I wish you well in your career change. Peace, Lilly
That job sounds great, I'd take it.
Bethel needs HVAC techs, so it must be a high-paying job that requires education. I say go for it!
It was then that I remembered that he has been unsupportive for every job that I've ever gotten. If I had listened to him, I'd still be working for that stupid temp agency. He told me not to get free help getting trained in how to job hunt, he told me not to work for the blind manufacturer, and he told me not to work for my current job because the temp agency would eventually find me a good job. I haven't regretted anything SINCE the temp agency.
JWs are unable to plan for the future. A secure thing 'now' .... vs getting yourself educated for later.....They'll take it every time.
Onward and upward.