I've been in Electronics for 50 years. Sad to see repair taking a hit, but I got out of that eons ago; though I dabble in it ocassionlly.
When I worked in aerospace, one of our Engineers invented something major in HVAC; I never got the details on that. He went out and formed a small company. He came back and recruited all the techs he could: "I can train E-Techs HVAC easy, a lot easier than the other way around".
I would say, yes and it's a good path. You will be more advanced than the other HVAC's: electronic controls are everywhere. And it's better if you know what the insides are up to than just 'black box' everything in sight.
I know a military guy that is a HVAC specialist, but knows electronics and general mechanics: he is in demand, goes everywhere and is in lead roles.
Your Dad reminds me of my Sig-Other: she is never in the proper lane driving and is always setting up to turn the wrong direction. If I'm not paying attention and look up to find her in the left lane, I know that we need to turn right
So, I would say 'shine him on' and invert his his advice as a sanity check