Hello SaintSimon,
i think it was a 99wt that said beating kids would expunge the badness in them. Unfortunately, i didn't save it. Will try to find it.
Please be so kind to share this information with us....as I don't think you're paraphrasing is completely accurate. Will look forward to your backing up your words.
Not all jw's beat their kids. That some did.....is a tragedy to the child. That the WTBTS wrote information which said - or could be interpreted to encourage - beating their own children is a tragedy.
I think the Bible, the WTBTS, and the parents all share in the tragedy and blame for child beatings among jw's - or any other religion where it is espoused to not "spare the rod."
Hello Cygnus,
I agree - the WTBTS doesn't sanction beatings. But that leaves the interpretation of "spare the rod, spoil the child" up to individual parents. Some parents married quite young, or have problems of their own, low education, low financial situation, and the Bible sanction to hit their children. Beaters also tend not to boast in public about what they do to their children nowadays. Politically incorrect and all that.
What's a beating to one parent doesn't mean it is to the next. I would suspect that's where the dictates of the law step in.
I remember one elder's wife commenting at the WT study that she worked for the schools - and now it was illegal to beat your own kids. She said this disgustedly - and said it twice.
After the meeting, shaking with emotion, I went and asked her how she beat her kid? She looked surprised, and then I asked "Do you beat him with your open palm, closed fist, strap, or throw him against the wall?" Then she got my point, and explained that to her a beating was the same as a spanking.
could be..........