Yea Deputy, we can live in peace... you asked...
"Would you agree with me that bad regulation or over regulation can cause more harm than good? Part of this mess was caused because banks were pressured (by groups like ACORN) to lend money to underprivileged without asking enough questions. What kind of regulation is that? Is this over or under regulation?"
I agree with you that proper regulation is necessary, that's subjective I know, but we do agree...
We all, Republicans and Democrats alike should focus on getting the money out of politics, we should stop the effects of lobbyists and the like.. this to me is the biggest problem.
As for who caused the deficit the last 8 years or so, I'll leave that alone, we are doing too good... LOL!
Thanks for answering my questions, we really aren't that far from each other in thinking... I liked it when the republican were doing what they do, smaller gov, stopping waste from the dems... I think like Machiavelli, about power, it corrupts when only one side has too much of it.
Tophat's right, we need a civil war..LOL!
by dawg 34 Replies latest jw friends
Deputy Dog
come on Dawg I tried!
Deputy Dog
sorry we keep posting at the same time
Rant, Dawg!
This clusterf** that we are in now all boils down to greed. Also, you can't blame it on President Carter or President Clinton. You can blame it on high gas prices and people living beyond their means. America was living on false prosperity. Now she's paying for it. Your everyday, regular working person overused credit to make up for their lack of wages. Gas skyrockets, blows their budgets and WHAM!
Also blame it on keeping up with the Jonses. My neighbor buys an SUV, I've gotta have one too. Those MF's get an average of 11-15 mpg. Almost everytime I see one of these machines on the road, there is ONE person in it. But ya gotta have your cargo space and room to carry a family of 8 (I think the average American has 1.2 children or something like that)
Rant over. I just wonder why everyone is so clueless as to how something like this can happen.
COME ON GUYS!!! A little respect! Dawg asked some very fair questions asking for honest answers. There is way to much partisanship, that's why we have a screwed up government. The whole thing has turned into a game, our team against theirs! Well guess what, citizens are on the SAME TEAM.
Now for my thoughts. In many ways. he's right! No matter what party you belong, the government has stopped being for the people. Most of the problem is money and lobbyists on both sides! Maybe if we fire enough of them next month in Congress, they'll get the point. The current economy was caused by BOTH sides. Both sides have morphed into one party. The republicans have stopped being conservatives.
And I do believe in deregulation. And here's why. The free market irons out problems all by itself and weeds out corrupt and scamming companies. But there needs to be changes. I agree fully with Obama with raising the FDIC protection limits. First and foremost, protect people's money. Failing banks WILL fail and fall to the wayside leaving behind stronger stable banks. Right now with the bailout (rescue my ass) the banks will be in the same position 5 years from now. Then what, another bailout?? Regulation, no matter how much, will pave ways for exploitation and abuse. Which in turn lets failing and dishonest enterprises to operate, pretty much as long as they want.
Do I believe in god? My experiences, growing up jw and taking a long look at all religions, have turned me agnostic. There could be some entity out there, who knows. That being said, I don't disparage, berate, or belittle people that claim to have to a faith in what ever they want to believe in.
Should the right bare all the blame for the national debt? Nope, look at all the spending bills the past 8 years. Most have passed with overwhelming majority. As I have said, all are to blame and we are naive and sipping cool-aid if we think otherwise.
Like a told you before Dawg, I'm not right or left, social liberal, fiscal conservative. I think we should do 2 things. Dis-assemble the party system. Let candidates run on their own merits. Once people from either side see a D or an R, a switch is flipped. Look at the people, not the party. Second, run elections like the first couple of elections in our country's history. Split tickets!! President and VP ran independently and on their own. If you really take a look at the wisdom of the Framers, it's pretty impressive. State Senators were really State Senators, appointed by the State Governors. And the House represented the people, elected by the people. A lot has changed since then. I'm sure they wouldn't even recognize the Constitution now.
1) How could the Democrats have caused this problem all by themselves when they didn't control neither house or Senate until 2 years ago? In fact the Republicans controlled both for the 11 previous years... so how is this only a Democratic problem in view of the that fact?
It is a system wide critical systems error.
2) Do you Republicans still believe in deregulation, as in no regulation at all; a total capitalist system in light of the recent economic news?
Dont know any personally, and very few otherwise that believe or ever have believed this.
3) Do you on the right still believe that you can prove the existence of a God? Simple question, do you think you have proof?
I am an atheist so not sure what you mean.
4) Do you on the right not accept the complete blame for the national debt the last 8 years?
Under the current system, there can be no economy without ever increasing national debt. The national debt is a system wide, critical systems error.
We the people are responsible for not saying no to bad policy that only makes the rich and powerful more rich and powerful.
Awakened at Gilead
I would end the electoral college system that creates blue and red states... let the popular vote decide! (Had this been the case, Bush would never have been prez...)
Poor dawg $hit for brains what are you going to do with your pathetic little life after this election...
I think calling dawg sh*t for brains would fall under that insult thingy he was expecting.
What did you say zero brains?
Poor dawg $hit for brains...I guess he can dish it out but can't take it...