I hear ya, 144001. My ass is sore.
Tophat's right, we need a civil war..LOL!
by dawg 34 Replies latest jw friends
The Beatles, pure genius
I guess I'll throw in my two cents. I'm not a democrat or a republican, technically I'm a registered anarchist (oh those college fads we go through). Which I guess is considered independent.
In the broader sense I would say that I'm fiscally conservative and socially liberal. Actually I agree with the concept of the Republican party in that Less Government is a good thing. However I disagree with nearly every single one of their social stances. One would think with the concept of less government a party would then support abortions, etc. Afterall that's government putting mandates on people's lives.
Moving on to your questions:
1) How could the Democrats have caused this problem all by themselves when they didn't control neither house or Senate until 2 years ago? In fact the Republicans controlled both for the 11 previous years... so how is this only a Democratic problem in view of the that fact?
Democrats aren't to blame completely. There's no doubt some of the Clinton economic bills that were passed definetly trickled their way into this economy. I'd say Clinton was more responsible for the dot com bubble. I would venture to say that George Bush sr. had alot to do with the surplus in the 90's. However I think it took Clinton to make it into as large of a surplus as it was. The main issue here is there's no viable third party, it's something George Washington warned of. If there were viable third parties I don't think you'd see the bipartisan-ship that is so prevelent in today's government. It will change though, it just will take some time.
2) Do you Republicans still believe in deregulation, as in no regulation at all; a total capitalist system in light of the recent economic news?
I'm not a republican but I do believe in deregulation now more than ever. If businesses are going to be left to their own devices they should also suffer the consequences. It's like telling a child "Don't eat that chocolate cake you'll get a stomach ache" with them constantly nagging "Daddy can I have the cake, Daddy can I have the cake? Daddy? Daddy?". Finally you give in and let them have the cake, then when they get a stomach ache from it instead of saying "Hey what did I tell you would happen?", you take away their stomach ache.
Businesses have been clamoring for deregulation for years. If they want to police themselves, I say by all means. But realize the consequences of your actions too.
3) Do you on the right still believe that you can prove the existence of a God? Simple question, do you think you have proof?
I always thought there was a separation of church and state. I don't know why religion comes up so much in politics. If someone wants to have faith in God, I think that's fine. If they want to tell me about their faith in God, that's fine too. If someone wants their faith to supercede the needs of the nation, that's where I have a problem.
The fanatically religious right-wing really needs to stop. America needs to be innovators to create new industries in order to create new jobs and strengthen the economy. The only thing the religious right is accomplishing is diminishing America's future scientific discoveries. We could possibly get hit with a bomb three times the destructive force of the Atom Bomb because other countries are teaching science in their classrooms and not intelligent design.
4) Do you on the right not accept the complete blame for the national debt the last 8 years?
They shouldn't accept complete blame. Congress needs to accept blame, we have a hurting system right now. Bipartisan politics are killing government as we know it. The only way for this to be corrected is with viable third parties, until Americans can actually get that moving this is something they'll never get.
John Doe
144K-Don't worry about people like zero brains, can you show me a comment he's ever made of sustenance?
Out of curiosity, did you mean "substance?"
Ah you Americans are just so passionate about your politics ,and you don't even have to vote! We have to vote and don't give a shit for they are all self interested scum trying to build up a retirement fund.