Is the GT/Armageddon coming tonight?

by Hikaru 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hikaru

    Yeah it's me again... watching the news then reading peoples posts here and other sites... I've become completely freaked once again. I can't even sleep tonight.. I'm so worried....

    What have people been saying? Do the higher ups think? Have they said anything?!!

  • asilentone

    It is not coming tonight. Well, don't make your life more miserable, just try to make the best out of it.

  • zeroday

    Sure it is just check out this wack job EXJW he has been predicting the end for a couple of years now...

  • Hikaru

    Easier said then done x.x I have Gmail open and watching the amount of emails, just waiting for a google alert of either 'Ban Religion' or 'Religion' I have set to pop up. Then I'll probably have close to a heart attack opening the mail to most likely nothing....the usual routine. But I still can't quit sitting here staring at it. On top of having open on another tab..... Um.. When do you guys think it is? This week? I'm freaking out here...

  • StAnn

    Hikaru, I think the real question is, is the GT/Armageddon coming AT ALL?

    This end-times stuff is merely a scare tactic to keep you in line, to keep you controlled by fear. For those of us who lived through the 1975 debacle, there is no longer any fear of Armageddon.


  • asilentone

    if you do not want to worry, stay away from negative news.

  • yknot

    nope..... take a melatonin tablet with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate!

  • Hikaru

    Worry? Of course I want to worry! I want to know if it's to late to safe myself, or if it's coming very very very very x Infinity soon. I mean sure I've gone to meeting again but I missed this whole week, because I screwed up and wouldn't get off the fucking computer, (Sorry for the language), and chose to work on my website then to go to meeting, knowing perfectly well what I was doing. So of course I'm worried and want to worry. All of the stuff happening is freakin' freaky, dudes x.x

  • yknot

    Well sounds to me like you are preparing yourself for the January are only guilty of running ahead...LOL

  • Hikaru

    Correction. IF there is a January.

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