Is the GT/Armageddon coming tonight?

by Hikaru 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    Oh NO there will be January...... and a next summer too. !!!

    Clearly you haven't consulted your KM...the FDS has prepared a bountiful feast for another full year!


  • watson
    and chose to work on my website then to go to meeting, knowing perfectly well what I was doing. So of course I'm worried and want to worry. All of the stuff happening is freakin' freaky, dudes x.x

    There is cause for concern here. You may have sinned against the Holy Spirit.

  • Hikaru

    O.O That's not funny! x.o My grandma on the phone... (Yes called her in the middle of the night to freak out) said this wasn't it of course, but one of the things leading up to it? Then how much longer?

  • calico

    I'm not being sarcastic or a smart-ass. You need to calm down--maybe you need some help--sounds like you have panic attacks.

    If you believe that Jehovah is a loving god, then you shouldn't be worried--he can read your heart. Maybe praying would make you feel better.

    No one can answer your question about if, or when armageddon is coming. If there is a god--only he knows.

  • asilentone

    my advice is stop worrying yourself to death!

  • cameo-d

    "here is little Effie's head
    whose brains are made of gingerbread
    when judgment day comes
    God will find six crumbs"

    from a poem by:

    e e cummings

  • sass_my_frass

    I hope not. I still have washing on the line.

  • iloowy

    Hikaru writes:
    > January again

    Yup. There's many January's a coming.

    Your quite troubled about the great
    tribulation Hikaru, then do yourself
    a favor and read In Search of Christian
    Freedom by Raymond Franz, that'll keep
    you busy and making progress to understanding
    what it means to be a Christian and where you'll
    need to keep looking for the comfort you need
    to get through each night of worries.

    You can get it online at
    or if you don't want to pay the 10 bucks for it
    you can ask someone here to email it for you,
    it's on PDF and you wont have to wait. You
    could be reading it right now. Although
    I'd suggest paying the 10 bucks to
    download your own copy, your
    conscience will feel better
    about it... and talking
    about conscience while
    you're downloading
    that book there's
    another I'd like
    to tell you about
    it's called "Crisis of Conscience"
    by the same author and on the same
    website, and that one is only 7 bucks
    such a deal, ain't it?

    Guaranteed that if you read the books
    and then start on your own search of
    what Christian freedom means by going
    through the scriptures you'll feel a
    lot better about making it through the
    Great Tribulation.

    Otay, now take a deep breath after
    reading this long post and get some
    sleep, will ya!

    With a big hug.

  • justhuman

    armageddon it will come sooner, keep your eyes open and you will see the signs

  • Honesty

    Here ya go, Hikaru.

    This will calm you down a lot....

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