Darn I did two more unique things. Sorry I know it is over the quota. 1. I met Mathew McCononaughy and talked to him and actually touched his arm. He was very polite. 2. I sat in the press box at an assembly with Teresa Graves.
Three unique things...
by TJ - iAmCleared2Land 40 Replies latest jw friends
horrible life
I used to sit in the press box all of the time. But never with a famous person. My older brother thought he was all that, but he wasn't famous.
Lady Lee
Rode an elephant(twice) Sorry Lady Lee.OK but do you have a picture of you ON the elephant while it is peeing a huge puddle on the ground (I sure wasn't in any hurry to fall off)
I don't know about you, horrible life, but I felt so guilty sitting in the air-conditioned press box while all the rest of the dubs were sweating it out in the heat of the summer. I only did it once, but I would never have done it again even if it had been offered to me.
* I licked a tick in the dark. (Now I bet nobody can say that)
I bit a tick in the dark. I guess some amount of licking was involved. You bite a tick yuck it taste nasty kinda chemically.
horrible life
Hey Ihaveadream, Usually it was in civic centers. Guess they hold about 20,000. (just guessing) most all air conditioned. This was back in late 60's and 70's, for me. Dad worked with the publicity dept. Mom wouldn't let him out of her sight. So, I grew up, at assemblies, sitting in the press box, looking through binoculars at guys, and having all of the stuck up girls, be nice to me, to be invited to sit with me. LOL
Lady Lee, no pictures sorry. No taking a leak either. LOL You win.
Come on people, I thought about this thread at work, and looked forward to reading your brushes with greatness, or individual feats this evening.
NON-JW things:
1. Sky-dived
2. Got a motorcycle license (at age 45)
3. <very risque but extremely private>
horrible life
I am VERY impressed Aude!!!!! Go Girl!!
IPsec, YUK, I'm glad I was just checking it out! LOL
Hmmmm, no brushes with greatness.
But I did take the subway to the end of the line all by myself in Beijing. I was the tallest person left on the train, and the only non-chinese. When I got off, I trudged up to the bus stop, but ended up excepting a ride from a guy who could speak zero English, and I zero Chinese. We somehow managed to determine that I wanted to go to the temple up in the hills (from the 600 AD), and that he would pick me up when I was done. Sure enough he was there. Fantastic experience, even though my mom had a heart attack when she heard about it. I walked The Wall on that trip also, sorry Hortensia.
Ummmm I voted for Jesse Jackson in a presidential primary.
I slept on the sidewalk in Oakland CA to get up close for U2.
I went to see "The Empire Strikes Back" on my wedding night.
I got my miracle ticket at a Grateful Dead show at Shoreline Amphitheatre.
Let's see, accessing my history file....
Attended a nude wedding on the Columbia River, Rooster Rock State Park, Oregon, August 1985.
Attended Burning Man Festival.
That house in Top Gun, where Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis go to, been in it and did the wild thang in there. :-)