The "no where to go" line is simply to keep the rank file in line. If you keep telling the same old lie then eventually people will believe it to be true
Nov 15 WT - stumbled over a teaching? There's no where else to go!!!
by truthseeker 46 Replies latest jw friends
what if the teaching you dont agree with is that mt24:45-47 refering to a class of annointed dispensing spiritual food?
Awakened at Gilead
By cutting off association with Christ and his faithful followers, they lost their spirituality and their joy.
Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food?
No, for there is none!I haven't lost anything, especially my joy, by leaving, except for a few cult-controlled fake friends and family members (their loss)...
How do they know we haven't found another source of rich spiritual food... have we been asked by the GB? No-one has asked me... All I got from them was an arrogant letter in response to my 5 page complaint letter, telling me to repent but did not address any of my concerns.... where is my "rich spiritual food"?
There are 2 billion Christians on the planet..Jehovah`s Witness`s make up a 30th of a single percentage point in the Christian community..They are nothing in the big picture of Christianity!................
This sentence got me:
It may be possible to help them realize that failure to preach the good news has resulted in the loss of joy. (Matt. 28:19,20) So, then, what would be the wise course for them to take?
Um, NOT. How about a tremendous gain of peace? Hate, hate hate the loaded word "wise" surrounded by "what would be the ____ course to take?" -
There is plenty of spiritual food here!! LOL
Have those who stopped associating with the Christian congregation found another place where there is rich spiritual food?
Oh no of course not, they're too busy wailing and gnashing their teeth. And reminiscing about all those good times spent at the Assembly Hall, listening to Brother Blather talk about the joys of knocking at empty houses.
It may be helpful to remind an inactive
one that "the faithful and discreet slave" is dispensing excellent spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45)
That is how the person originally learned the truth.B$- I was "born in it": they only get to play that card ONCE!!!
You are ALL a bunch of SILLIES!!!
The disciples didn't say "Where will we go?" But "To WHOM shall we go?"
Since the only answer to their ACTUAL question is to Christ - of course you cannot leave the Witchtower since (as last years a$$embly) we can only "Follow the Christ" (which is of course the ANNOINTED Gibbering Buddy.
Ain't no wondrin' why you all not still hawkin' de Babble and Trash there!!!
They would love to get the inactive ones back into the KH and out in service just one time before the end of the year so they can add them to their pubisher count for the year. They have to be looking at further declines in publishers in the USA.