IF I'm not mistaken Rome's downfall was caused by some of the same injustices being done today. The emperors and the governmental rulers were greedy and materialistic, they waddled in sin. The same is going on today. For example the emperor Nero was insane, emperor Caligula was also insane and both were murderers of their own people and family. As a matter of fact Rome was plagued by mysterious killings and plotted murders of political leaders. Just like today, the world is plagued with violence to and from dictators and political leaders. Just like those Roman Emperors who cared less about the people so do these political rulers of this world. 700 hundred Billion to bail out wall street, but 50 billion can solve the worlds food and poverty crisis. If not, it could at least provide clean drinking water for countries that do not have it. You mean to tell me that America has an education crisis, health crisis, employment crisis and the only time money is ever made or given in the billions is to assist people and companies who never help our communities. They want our tax money, but when a small town American needs a loan to start his business or save his home, he's told his credit score is insufficient or he has no collateral. I feel that the American people should have pushed for a credit rating for wall street investment firms and the other financial institutions. So when they submit their paperwork for bail out money, they can then be rated if they've ever given any American tax payers loans for home improvement or businesses. The Great Tribulation has begun, it just hasn't affected everyone yet. Soon all those money hungry religious leaders no matter who they are will be affected, even God's organization. The scriptures say that all will be affected by this tribulation. But only the true people of God will triumph over these things because of Jehovah and Jesus. These false leaders have misguided the entire world with their false doctrine. They have made themselves drunk with their fornications and unbridled lust for power. Since this election, so called ministers of God's word have spoken openly and abusively about both presidential candidates. Once elected, they won't forget, they will seek justice and revenge by exposing them. Religion is one of the most flourishing wealthy businesses ever. I have yet to research history to find that a minister or priest of some religion say their God told them to live poor and shun wealth. Most false religions today live in lavish wealth while their people live in poor conditions. This is a world wide matter. Only the true followers of Christ will imitate him and shun the desires of this world. But soon the Governments of this world are going to get tired of being blamed for all of the worlds problems and then they are going to expose those religious leaders for who they are and make them take some responsibility for our worlds problems. Once that happens, then Babylon will be destroyed. It's just around the corner. They are already probing some of these organizations financial records and exposing them on national television.
The Great Tribulation
by purplesofa 17 Replies latest jw friends
Unbaptized; we're some way off I think , Babylon the grape is decades away from being turned upon
Purps, confusion sets in because Jesus never mentioned Armageddon.
He talked about great tribulation. Revelation adds that Armageddon spin to it, so it ain't going to be consistent throughout Christianity (like anything is).This has Revelation being an "odd man out" again, like the OT/NT disparity.
I've got another, that I'll not go into at the moment.
But, the more I look at it, the more splintered the Bible is, as opposed to the seamless scenario JW's taught way back in the 50's.
Makes me wonder about the Catholics picking and choosing the canon that they wanted and then WTS buys that hook, line and sinker; but Russell and Rutherford usually wanted to put another nail in the Pope's coffin: go figure???
And sit down on thrones with Christ, my Lord, to judge
Oh dear. This sounds like the "back room" at the KH.
What happened to playing harps?
What happened to "having your hearts desire"?
Whatever this scenerio is, it is NOT the return of jesus.
Who would want a thousand years of jury duty?
This is pathetic for an afterlife!
Just leave me in the f*****g ground if this is what your heaven is all about.
I ain't jumping through no more hoops. The judges can inspect themselves for flaws. I am sick of it.
At the end of the 1,000 years, once these have been separated, Satan is loosed
So after all the knocks in this life, I face being whipped to toe the line for a dreadful 1000 years of threats, enforced now with judgemental separation and outcast status.! ......say I pass with good marks. I am given a cookie. Just when I start to enjoy my cookie, I am thrown back into torture with Satan breaking my bones and causing life to be miserable.
This whole senerio is nothing but a description of the Stockholm syndrome.
I don't buy this!
I always heard with my ears, but could never *actually imagine* what it would look like and feel like here on the ground in my life.
Even if times get really really hard, I can't imagine the above scenario ever happening. It's just too alien for the way this earth has always been. -
And sit down on thrones with Christ, my Lord, to judge
Oh dear. This sounds like the "back room" at the KH. What happened to playing harps? What happened to "having your hearts desire"? Whatever this scenerio is, it is NOT the return of jesus. Who would want a thousand years of jury duty? This is pathetic for an afterlife! Just leave me in the f*****g ground if this is what your heaven is all about. I ain't jumping through no more hoops. The judges can inspect themselves for flaws. I am sick
First, please let me apologize for not elaborating on what that "judging" actually is, dear Cameo, and the greatest of peace to you! I didn't go into it because of the limited scope of the topic, but you're right - often times something like this can get lost in translation.
These "judge" in the same way the my Lord does: they actually don't. As Christ said, "The Son of Man judges no one." Like him, they, too, are conferred with the authority to judge. That authority is overridden, however, by their even more "noble" task of acting as priests. What this means is that, rather than judging, which they are permitted to do, they ask forgiveness on behalf of those who are brought before them. Thus, they judge... in "righteousness"... which is fulfilled in showing loving kindness, mercy, and forgiveness. Just as Christ himself taught them ("subduing... in the midst of [his] enemies"). These do not literally judge... for they did not wish to BE judged. They forgive... because they were forgiven.
To be granted to sit on thrones, however, is, in fact, a conferrence of judging: it is what rulers [can] do. Those of this world, however, judge unrighteously: although existing in sin themselves, they have no problem "cast[ing] stones." My Lord is not like that, neither are those he chooses... which is one of the reasons why they are chosen (contrasted to those who are called, but not chosen). They fulfill the Law... NOT through holding accountable those who transgress it, but by surpassing the Law... through love.
I hope this helps. Also, you don't really want to stay in the ground - there's really nothing there but dirt.
Again, I bid you the greatest of love and peace!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
At the end of the 1,000 years, once these have been separated, Satan is loosed
So after all the knocks in this life, I face being whipped to toe the line for a dreadful 1000 years of threats
Where did that come from? You have the wrong idea...
enforced now with judgemental separation and outcast status!
Ahh, yes, I see! You see, we, earthling man, always think the WORSE. Mention folks sitting on thrones to judge and immediately are assumption is toward the earthly, how things are done HERE. God's thoughts... and deeds... are much higher than ours, dear one. It is we who want to "dominate" one another... to our own injury. God, on the other hand... and contrary to much of what you've heard and read in the OT... is a God of service. He is a "farmer," a "sower of seed," a "cultivator." If you want to know how He really is... see Christ. See how he was, what he did, how he judged. For that One said he came "to bear witness to the TRUTH"... about the Most Holy One of Israel. And all you see in him... is love.
......say I pass with good marks. I am given a cookie.
No, you are given much more: life. Eternal. In an incorruptible (i.e., no sickness, death, aging) body. A "white" robe. But it is not about passing: it is about mercy. Those who judge with Christ... extend mercy... because mercy was extended to them. They COULD judge - such authority will have been conferred on them, as it was conferred on Christ. However, LIKE him... they don't. He is the image of God and so does the works of God; they will be in his image and so, do HIS works.
Just when I start to enjoy my cookie, I am thrown back into torture with Satan breaking my bones and causing life to be miserable.
Actually, that's incorrect. IF you were given a "cookie," you were a sheep... and granted entry. So, no throwing back (that is some false WTBTS BS...). It is the "goats"... Gog... who Satan attempts to mislead... whose bones he breaks... and whose life he makes "miserable." Although, that's not quite accurate, either.
This whole senerio is nothing but a description of the Stockholm syndrome. I don't buy this!
If it were as you say it, perhaps. Praise JAH, it isn't! Again, I bid you peace! Your servant and a slave of Christ, SA