This one is mostly for those who believe in God ( though I don't wish to exclude any interested ). It is my belief that the J.W. organization painted a false picture of who God is by means of false doctrine, misinterpretation of scripture, and false prophesy. In doing so I believe that they formed a god of their own making, a false idol. After the founders were gone and the religious system took over it became more and more perverse as time went on. Claiming to represent God they were actually lording over their members with legalism and fear. I believe through perversion of God's Word they funneled worship intended for God to their leaders and organization. Most former J.W. members I talk to are so victimized by this experience that they are bitter towards the organization. This is perfectly reasonable and just. What I don't understand is why God is also a target of this same bitterness. It seems to me a lot of former J.W. still hold to some of the false doctrine even though they have escaped the system that propigated it. Philippians 2:12 says we're to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. The God I know is nothing like the one the J.W. preach. It is very frustrating to me to see attributes that should rightfully be placed on the organization being placed on God. I mean after all, he did give you the eyes to see the evil you were under. What I read on this site, from believers, is sometimes laced with comments concerning doctrines that are not consistent with actual biblical teaching. I quess this is just a feeble apeal to hold on to hope and give the real God of the Bible ( not a J.W. tainted bible ) one more chance. How do you know God isn't looking for a former J.W. to deliver his children from the falsehood that holds them captive? A God called former J.W. armed with the true Gospel could easily get a public venue. Radio ministries love this sort of thing.
Who is the god of the J.W.?
by Aculama 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
oh oh me me - I know, I know. Pick me.
It took me about a year to let go of the JW doctrinised god and well the bible god. It's not an easy thing to do when it's been drilled into you for 20 years or so, but I know it can be done.
Don't all religions paint themselves "their own god"? It's not just the JWs, but I hear what you're saying.
Of course the agnostic speaks up! Who is the God of any Christian faith? If you read the OT, God is vindictive, petty and judgemental, and supports the smiting of anyone who irritates him. This contrasts with the God of the NT whom Jesus speaks of as "Abba", kind and loving...
It's definately a false god who resembles the pagan god Moloch that demands sacrifice of children. They also glorify themselves to pledge loyality to the organization.
Yes Aculama, I am always on the lookout for other venues. Maybe someday I will appear on radio shows or TBN or something like that.
Jehovah Lives In Brooklyn by Richard "Shining Thunder" Francis
A Catholic friend and I were talking the other day. We were thinking that it seems the WTS works hard to disengage people from their current faith and suck them into the WTS. Then it beats all Christian thought out of their minds. Then it works them to death, chews them up, and spits them out, leaving them so disillusioned that they will never attempt to have any spirituality in their lives ever again.
Therefore, we've concluded that the Devil is the founder and the God of the WTS. I've never known a group that can do as much to destory families and destroy someone's faith in God at the WTS.
Amen St.Ann, Amen
The God of the Jehovah`s Witness`s is..
Yeah well, that too Outlaw !!