Did you ever go in field service after realizing it was not the truth?

by Samuel Thorsen 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen

    I did not, but I did FS when I had seriuos doubts and I thougt some householders had pretty good arguments some times, but I could not admit it of course.

    And I did FS for a long time after I realized the magazines was very very poor.

    I still remember my very last hour from door to door. Geee that was torture, I hatet myself and hoped no one was at home.

    Do you remember your last FS hour? And had you realized it was wrong then?

  • sacolton

    I had to because my JW wife insisted we get "our hours in". We only put two hours per month ... yeah, feel that zeal? Feel it? It was never about WANTING to go out and preach the "good news of the kingdom" and rescue people before Armageddon. No, it was all about hours. Gotta get those hours in or get a BIG FAT ZERO at the end of the month and be "inactive". They leave a thick layer of guilt on those who don't put any time in and the chances of getting a "shepherding call" is high, so we picked one weekend and put in our two hours. Now, that isn't saying much on how those two hours were spent. Most of the houses were NH (not home), so our time was wasted.

  • Samuel Thorsen
    Samuel Thorsen
    Most of the houses were NH (not home), so our time was wasted.

    At least you didn't waste anyone else's time

    By the way: Is anyone one the board still going door to door?? That would be amazing. How does it feel??

  • NewYork44M

    Yes and oh so painful.

    But it gets worse. Not only did I go out in service but I served as an elder, gave public talks, and had a part on a district assembly. All long after I decided this was not the truth and I wanted nothing more than to get out of there. No wonder I drank heavily and was 20 pound heavier than I am now. I took years to seperate myself from the organization.

  • IreallydidwalkoutofaKH

    My last day out in service was 12-03-2000. The Giants where playing the Redskins and I kept interrupting the neighborhood and honestly thought they had a reason to be upset with me. It was to difficult to think we were being persecuted, I felt more like a riduculous nuisance!

  • JWdaughter

    No. I recognized a teaching was on its face unbiblical, brought it up to the gal who studied with me and she referred her husband who referred me tothe elders. At that point, it was all over. What is nuts is that I know of folks who were trapped in the WTS knowing it was false for longer than I was in it altogether(15 years). I don't know how they can bear it. My conscience would bother me too much. Fortuntately for me, I was in a home where only one parent was JW and while devout, she was and is not 'strong' in the truth. I was 15 years old and that was 'the' rebellion of my childhood. Still didn't do the drugs or sex or any of that.

  • isaacaustin

    I last went out Nov of 1990.

  • still_in74
    By the way: Is anyone one the board still going door to door?? That would be amazing. How does it feel??

    i havent been out for about 6 months but I have been on this board for 2 years. Trust me, it sucks. I see these people looking at me and I want to run over to them and tell them that I actually do know this is a cult, that I am not an idiot, just trapped!

    My wife wants to do this stupid tract campaign coming up and I just know I am going to have to go out soon, probably even this Saturday. I am extremely pissed about it.....

  • snowbird

    My last FS was when an elder gave me the task of convincing a young woman she wasn't going to be with Jesus.

    I thought to myself, how can I possibly disabuse her mind of that notion when I would also like to see Him.

    That did it for me.


  • leavingwt

    I did not.

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