Hyperventilating here - please hold my cyber hand

by Dagney 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2think

    Congrats hon.

  • Gregor

    Just stay cool when you look in the mirror in the morning and see "666" on your forehead.

  • yknot
  • JWdaughter

    Hi, congratulations!

    I always thought the no voting thing was entirely irrational, and the first time I voted was the first election after my 18th birthay for Ronald Reagan. I haven't missed any elections but a couple of primaries and a library levy when I was sick (one time!). I hope you have a better record than I!

    I don't care who is calling me about the elections, or how they want me to vote. I always thank them for being involved and assure them that I will vote the way I think will be the best for my community (local/state/national).

    I am kind of excited, I am going to get involved with the schools soon in the area of highly capable children and I think it will be my first issue specific involvement other than initiative type of things. I have worked campaigns, and to get out the general vote, to support the election workers etc. I think it is time I step it up a bit, so I am kind of excited.

    Of course, JWs don't have any disabled children, highly capable children, athletic children, or need for after school care, nor do they care about abuse policies or infrastructure in the schools system, so they don't have any need or responsibility to vote.

    Erp, sorry, I kind of ran with that one, I have a bee in my bonnet with this particular issue and I am so glad you are planning to vote! Even if you get the flu-I hope you get to the polls:)


  • jamiebowers

    Do your research so you'll cast an informed vote. Congrats and welcome to the real world!

  • Bubblie

    Good for you kiddo! I just changed my voter registration to Tennessee and got my new card in the mail. This will be my first ever time to vote for President. So, we are in the same boat. Exciting isn't it to be a part of what is really going on, not what the Borg wanted you to do and think. You have made a good decision, just get out there to make a difference. I love wearing the I voted sticker. I think I even kept it somewhere. Wish we lived closer so we could have a drink together. I will have one for you tonight.

    Love ya, Kit

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?


    I just sent in mine last week.

  • slimboyfat

    The first time I voted the voting station was next to the Kingdom Hall and it was a meeting night. I had to be really careful not to get caught going in.

  • flipper

    DAGNEY- You will do fine sis ! I was raised in the witnesses like you and this will be mt second election I voted in ! I voted in 2004 ! So have fun, vote smart, read all the measures and proposals carefully and inform yourself- and you will feel great you were able to have a voice in the outcomes ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • SnakesInTheTower


    yaaaay...me too... Early Voting started here yesterday. I am planning on going in to vote tomorrow. Forgot about it today. Unlike Absentee Voting, I dont have to have any reason at all...just show up with ID. I have my Voter Registration card and everything.... even get to use those cool electronic touch screen voting machines instead of the old ones that are used on Election Day.

    Snakes ()

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