Hyperventilating here - please hold my cyber hand

by Dagney 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • LovesDubs

    I just signed up too a couple weeks ago...last time I voted was for NIXON!!! and we all know how well THAT turned out LOL!

    Cant WAIT!!


  • PEC

    Congratulations, Barbara and I voted yesterday. Now we get to ignore all the political ads and phone calls. I love it when they call to try and get me to vote for something or someone and I say, I already voted, you are too late.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Good for you. I voted for the first time in 2006. It was rather surreal at the time.

  • shopaholic

    I know the feeling...registered a few weeks ago and now feel legit. Happy voting!

  • GoingGoingGone

    I didn't register to vote... :( ... But my 19 year old daughter did!! I'm so excited for her. More excited than she is, I think... lol!


  • halcyon

    It took me weeks to drag my ass into the village hall to fill out the form. I had this gut feeling I'd be struck down dead or something. But then, I dunno what happened, but I got more comfortable with the idea ... I think I was given a voter registration form to look at ahead of time, I got to talk to people ahead of time, so that when I finally filled out the form, it felt good. But then, (I felt so stupid) I had to ask the woman behind the desk what it was going to be like when I actually went in to vote. What was the procedure, what did the ballot look like, who else would be on it, etc. She was really nice, and amazingly she didn't look at me with any kind of "you're HOW old and you've never voted before!??!" judgment in her eyes (that just blows me away!) and gave me a sample ballot, showed me how to fill it in, all that. I took it home and examined it, decided whether to vote down party lines or to vote individually (I'm choosing individually), and then I took a look at the referendum question and thought about it as well.

    And, amazingly, I have not been struck down dead yet! And I doubt I will be ... I have much faith in my ability to survive voting day.

    The only thing I guess I worry about is whether there will be TV cameras at my particular voting place, with my face plastered all over the evening news that night. I always worry about being seen ....

  • zagor

    yup, I'd drink to that. Just do it, you'll see there's really not much to it anyway

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    OH I am so excited for you ! I just registered last month and have my card now , and it feels so goood ! I am 46 yrs old and voting for the very first time .

    The only thing I have researched is the Presidential candidates . I really didn't know there would be others on the ballot too .....better get busy looking into that now .

  • LockedChaos

    Been voting since
    Reagan era

    Haven't missed a
    state or
    local since

    My rule:
    You can only bitch
    if you have participated
    keep it to yourself!

  • kurtbethel

    Good luck with that. I have removed myself from the voter rolls. Over 20 years of voting and every president, national and state candidate I have voted for had lost. The majority of American voters want for themselves something very different from what I want, and I have decided to stop obstructing them. They deserve to get what they keep voting for.

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