Why hasn't there ever been or ever be a mass exodus from the WTS?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sacolton

    The organization is hemmoraging members daily. Plus the fact that the organization discourages having children - their future is doomed.

  • truthseeker

    There is an exodus from the Watchtower Society, but it is not bums on seats but people leaving mentally.

    This week I have discovered that two friends that used to be in my old hall have now left the organization.

  • LovesDubs

    I agree that it is hemmorhaging. Sloow leaking of attendance, field service, baptisms, donations, bible studies, and...loyalty. I believe that based on what we see on sites like this one, that there are far more GONE from the organization than the numbers allude to as folks on here are neither in nor out but because they arent officially out they are still counted as IN. See? They can say all day and into the night how many people attended the Memorial...that number, as in the past...is indicative of NOTHING. People are tired of getting their hopes up and being let down year after year decade after decade and constantly being told to "keep up the fine fight...continue the race to the end! The END is coming! The end of the SYSTEM is near! Jehovah is biding his time and will bring an end SOON to the wickedness..." blah blah blah.

    Im not a guy but I have to liken this to the Organization being a huge PT....lead them on...get them excited and in expectation...then walk out the door leaving an aching and devastated following behind, only to come on back and start the whole teasing process again...and again...and again.

    Yep...it's leaking out of all its orifices, like a ripped pool liner or a crack in a tub.

  • civicsi00

    What's even sadder, is that most of the members still coming in have almost no clue as to what they really teach or that they're listening to money-rich, false prophets. I feel sorry for them... Their souls may be doomed...

  • hamsterbait

    Leo the memorial figures for 1935 are a complete mess.

    The 1936 Yearbook gives ATTENDANCE as 32 700 or so. Yet the Witchtower of 1996 gives partakers as 52 465, and the same 1988 Witchtower gives partakers as 27 006.

    I am amazed that in real terms the annointed numbers are growing exponentially.


  • blondie

    New Covenant Fellowship

    In 1908-09 E. C. Henninges, the Australian branch manager of the International Bible Students Association, and M. L. McPhail, pilgrim for the IBSA, withdrew their support causing the second largest split in the Society’s history, second only to the 1917 split. They produced a monthly journal The New Covenant Advocate and Kingdom Herald and ­numerous books, booklets, and tracts. After Henninges’ death, his work continued for some years; operations ceased by 1944. Most of the New Covenant Bible Students were left to fend for themselves. Many did not survive and splintered off into non-existence. The Free Bible Students, as they call themselves today, make up the largest Bible Student group in Australia. In recent years there has been a resurgence of Free Bible Student rallying under the new leadership of the Christian Millennial Fellowship.


  • Seeker4

    Blondie, an interesting link. Thanks.

    I liked this"

    "As the years went by, more and more of the brethren seeing a change of direction and attitude within the Society soon departed and thus the exodus started. By 1930 the majority of the brethren who worked closely with Pastor Russell had left the Society—many had been forced out. By this time, all of Pastor Russell’s writings were discarded in favor of the writings of Ruther­ford, writings that contradicted each other. By 1929 over a hundred changes in doctrines had been made; the Society no longer resembled that which was established by Pastor Russell and his early associates."

    Quite a different take on it than the WTS. The link notes that Rutherford essentially took a publishing company, which is what Russell started, and turned it into a religion.


  • cameo-d

    I think fear gives them their authority over you.

    It takes courage to break from the pack.

    It takes self-esteem to choose integrity over complacency.

    It takes self assurance to not care about "acceptance" by the crowd.

    As long as people fear what the org can do as far as breaking up their families, damaging their reputations, and believing that these people have the authority to decide the fate of their afterlife as well, then I think the org. will still have a hold. When you see the pain inflicted to others, then they serve well as an example to keep you in line..or keep you silent. Whether active or df'd..it's still human sacrifice, but with a different twist.

  • RR

    There have been a few schisms in the Society. As was mentioned there were several between 1917-1927, all stemming from the JUdges illegal takeover of the Society and discarding most of Russell's teachings. At that point some 75% of the original BIble Students, those who worked closely with Russell left. During the 30s, there were smaller ones, with either whole congregations leaving or just splitting with people taking sides.

    In 1909 there was a split over the New Covenant doctrine. Then again, many left when 1914 failed, some came back though.

    In certain parts of the world, there were schisms that left the JW's in the minority and the "apostates" the majority. Although years later, those tides would turn with the WSociety's heavy witness and evangelizing efforts.

    In Europe there are two groups of Jehovah's Witnesses, one following Rutherford, the other following the Governing Body!


  • StoneWall

    Basically its the same reason there hasn't been a mass exodus from all the other religions,cults, and sects that have been either laced with pedophiles or that their leader is not the messiah or that their end of days calculations proved faulty (and no I'm not referring to just JW's here...there's been others as well)

    It goes back to the social club as well as most people seem too busy to take the time to research into their beliefs, so they just accept what they've been taught. Many don't want to upset the status quo, so they just go along with whatever figuring that someone else musta surely researched it or have hard evidence backing it up.
    Then there's always the ones that say well if it was good enough for my dad and mom then its good enough for me.

    I feel that everyone must believe in something.
    Right now I believe I'll have another beer.

    the stone sentinel,

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