Aren't we as a group smart enough to bring the whole thing down?"

by BonaFide 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • heyfea

    The internet is a great help in doing so, BUT, since there are those diehard dubs who will NEVER look at or read "apostate" info, we should do something drastic. (I know, it will sound CRAZY, but nevertheless, doable:

    Let's sabotage the trucks that carry the WT mags and replace them with our own version of the WT magazines, only the information printed will be critical and objective info, just like the info we find in the internet. When the dubs get our version of the magazines,(not knowing is ours) they will read it. And voila, they'll finally start thinking critically on their own.

    I told you it was crazy. But then again....

  • civicsi00

    Bringing down the Tower? That scenario plays in my head almost every other day... As a group, I think we are smart enough to bring it down. But we would have to bring it down from the inside, and cause it all to implode......

  • Anator

    The tower knows this and I heard this from the platform once and they have actually said that the Internet is the Watchtower's greatest threat. The internet is chuck full of information about the society and the history. This history was unknown to me and once you find out all sorts of bells and whistles go off in your head. This historic information is what the society would love to keep hidden.


    Let the dead bury the dead.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Smarts has nothing to do with it. I don't see it as my place to take down the whole thing. I see myself as one who plants seeds of doubt and pulls out some weeds. It is my job to put in what I can, but ultimately it is God who will tear down the watchtower.

  • IP_SEC
    And that each person has to can see the light for themselves.
    There must me some way, some thing, we can do.

    Personally I dont care who is or isnt a JW. People believe/do what they want/need. If thats what they want/need they should go for it or leave. No one is holding a gun to anyones head. And dont give me that bullshit about your family. They are just people with more similar genes to you than the general population. I left and took a chance on losing it all for me.

  • IP_SEC
    but ultimately it is God who will tear down the watchtower.

    I do not believe in "GOD". I do believe that belief in "GOD" has caused most of humanities problems. What do you think of a small group of progressive thinkers trying to 'tear down' your believe in "GOD"?

  • StAnn

    I agree that attrition is probably the only way to effectively take it down.

    I belong to several Yahoo! groups and I make sure that I link to ex-JW stuff in my signature line in all outgoing emails I send. I know that at least three Bible studies have been stopped because people clicked on the info I disseminated. These people would send me emails, asking if it was all true, asking for more info, and then confronting their study conductors with the info. The study conductors always said it was all lies but, when given direct quotes from WTS materials, couldn't deny it. Trying to prevent people from getting sucked in seems to be the most effective way I've contributed to tearing down the Tower.

    I take the attitude, Advertise, Advertise, Advertise the lies of the WTS! I try to take advantage of every opportunity to point people to the truth at the WTS.

    Although we may be a smart group, you can't overestimate the power of mind control.


  • independent_tre

    I must agree with OTWO on this one..."like herding cats". One of the first things that weirded me out about this site was the lack of cohesiveness where I expected to find some; It seemed like everyone was going in there own direction and some even clashing and arguing about things - which in a way contributed to the end of this site, not the WT org.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    I don't think the WT is going to "go down." I do think it will be forced to change. And that's all I really want anyway. They have a right to exist and believe whatever they want. But they don't have a right to keep hurting people.

    In my opinion the main external pressures the organization faces come from three areas: apostates and others exposing their hypocritical and abusive tactics, history, etc.; lawsuits from private parties, as well as governments; and financial pressures resulting from economic and market conditions. We are doing our part every time we post information exposing the WT for what it is and helping others to leave.

    Rumor has it there are internal pressures as well. Power struggles within the organization, and a general failure of their theology, leave them without a clear direction to proceed. All in all, the pressures are piling up, and I expect that the WT will be forced into making many changes in order to remain a viable organization.

    On the other hand, maybe paralysis and a lack of vision will result in failure to make the necessary adjustments, and they will crash and burn. Or at least languish, and bleed members and money. Time will tell. And whether on this sight or others, former members and interested persons will be here to watch and document it all.

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