Interpret this dream?

by AK - Jeff 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Not that I subscribe to that sort of thing - but this one was very wierd.

    I was in a glass house - or at least there was mostly glass all around. There was a vehicle pulled up close to one of the doors, and a woman was yelling that she needed to come inside because the buffalo were chasing her. I looked down the hill and saw two thin buffalo, and when they saw me they charged up to the entrance of the house, preventing me from opening the door to the woman. Then at some point the buffalo turned into American Indians and began a tug of war with me over a cloth of some sort. My wife was there now and joined me in trying to pull the cloth from the Indian/Buffalo, and she was calling it a 'Tunga'. I woke slamming my fist into the bed yelling 'Strong Spirit' as the tug of war ended with me getting control of the fabric from the Indian.

    Anyway, strange dream. I am on my way out the door to work now and thought I would just throw it out there for any who might enjoy the oddity or perhaps have an opinion on this dream. Plus I wanted to record it so that as it fades I can recall it and share it with my sister who is into such things more than I am. I will check later to see if anyone comments.




    Jeff..Bud,you need a Professional to Help you with this..They can Help you to Figure it out..But..Not without Your Help.....It`s just the way it is.......................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I was in a glass house - or at least there was mostly glass all around. There was a vehicle pulled up close to one of the doors, and a woman was yelling that she needed to come inside because the buffalo were chasing her. I looked down the hill and saw two thin buffalo, and when they saw me they charged up to the entrance of the house, preventing me from opening the door to the woman. Then at some point the buffalo turned into American Indians and began a tug of war with me over a cloth of some sort. My wife was there now and joined me in trying to pull the cloth from the Indian/Buffalo, and she was calling it a 'Tunga'. I woke slamming my fist into the bed yelling 'Strong Spirit' as the tug of war ended with me getting control of the fabric from the Indian.

    Very often the images we choose in our dreams are symbols from our past or present that mean something very specific to us.

    Having said that, my first thought is about the glass house, which I think is about you, or a part of your psyche you want to see more clearly (your spirit?). I find it interesting the house is glass, transparent; something you need to see. I get the feeling there are two dreams here. One about the woman, the buffalo and the house and the other about the tug of war over the fabric.

    The tug of war could be about some inner conflict, i.e. indecision about which way to go, feeling of being pulled in two directions. If so, the dream is telling you, that you have the strength to not only choose a path, but to follow through.

    Can you remember what emotion you were feeling in the dream? Anger? Fear?


  • Amha·’aret

    Very interesting and unusual dream. I used to have a dream dictionary but had to get rid of it coz my dub mother thought it was demonic!

    So I can't help you much. Guess you need to contact the prophet Daniel or maybe Joseph. They knew a thing or two about dreams!

  • Outaservice

    I think it might have something to do with the 'March of the Western World Powers'!


  • Mary

    Sounds to me like Egypt's in for a famine for 7 years followed by 7 years of prosperity.

  • DoomVoyager

    The lean buffalo were clearly an indication that you should go to Shoeless Joe's tonight and eat a buffalo burger.

  • purplesofa

    Did you watch "Dances With Wolves" lately?


  • jaguarbass

    You probably watched dances with wolves or some other how America was settled film in the past few weeks and its coming up on you.

  • Robdar


    Sounds to me like Egypt's in for a famine for 7 years followed by 7 years of prosperity.

    LMAO! I thought the same thing.


    I was in a glass house - or at least there was mostly glass all around. There was a vehicle pulled up close to one of the doors, and a woman was yelling that she needed to come inside because the buffalo were chasing her. I looked down the hill and saw two thin buffalo, and when they saw me they charged up to the entrance of the house, preventing me from opening the door to the woman. Then at some point the buffalo turned into American Indians and began a tug of war with me over a cloth of some sort. My wife was there now and joined me in trying to pull the cloth from the Indian/Buffalo, and she was calling it a 'Tunga'. I woke slamming my fist into the bed yelling 'Strong Spirit' as the tug of war ended with me getting control of the fabric from the Indian.

    My interpretation is in your pm box

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