I think you aren't wanting to accept that in JW-land all things are created by Jehover. Yes he begat 'Jesus/Michael/logos' and then through him created everything else....... But Jehover is still Poppy and all things are because of Poppy and Poppy is the top dog. Therefore Christ doesn't exalt himself to Poppy's level (as evil ungrateful and prideful Satan/Devil/Lucifer desired) and the logos is a son and brother as all others in heaven are.....he just happens to be the eldest and only begotten and Poppy allowed him to help make all the others but again Poppy is where they came from even if the logos did the work.
Here is another example.....each man has a father, but in a biblical sense they all have one original earthly father, Adam. Thus many men who are far removed from each other can recognize each other as 'brothers' even though they aren't in the most recent of ancestry and of different generations.............
Actually you could argue that all men are the son's of God too....... since they wouldn't exist if Poppy hadn't allowed Adam's creation.
The distinction comes when we choose to follow others over Poppy, then we become sons (disciples) of the one who was uppity enough to challenge Poppy's position as head in the first place.... the concept of disobeying Poppy comes from Satan. Thus Satan becomes the proverbial Father of those who don't follow Poppy!