I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.

by SnakesInTheTower 127 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    how about a bucket of KFC with a mess O gravy



  • BurnTheShips

    Hi Snakes.

    I just read your thread. Sorry.

    Some of the advice here is good. You have two viable options in my opinion:

    #1 Conflict avoidance--move out.

    If you cannot do this right now because it is too difficult, or if you will not do this because you are a man and will stand your ground, then arm yourself. Get a gun and learn to shoot it. You can get a good used 38SPL revolver for under $250.00. You don't need anything fancy. Learn to shoot it, trust it, love it. Have good quality hollowpoint bullets in it.

    No one should be physically intimidated or violated--even those that are not physically strong--and the gun is the great equalizer. You don't need advanced martial arts skills to use a gun, and only basic aiming skills to use it to devastating effect at short ranges. It puts even a woman on equal footing with a man. If this man comes across onto your property to harm you again, shoot him. Possibly the mere sight of the weapon will make him fall back.


  • snowbird

    No one should be physically intimidated or violated--even those that are not physically strong--and the gun is the great equalizer. It puts even a woman on equal footing with a man. If this man comes across onto your property to harm you again, shoot him.


    Burn, did I ever tell you that I love you?


  • BurnTheShips
    Burn, did I ever tell you that I love you?

    I love you too sister.

  • scotsman

    If you cannot do this right now because it is too difficult, or if you will not do this because you are a man and will stand your ground, then arm yourself. Get a gun and learn to shoot it. You can get a good used 38SPL revolver for under $250.00. You don't need anything fancy. Learn to shoot it, trust it, love it. Have good quality hollowpoint bullets in it.

    No one should be physically intimidated or violated--even those that are not physically strong--and the gun is the great equalizer. You don't need advanced martial arts skills to use a gun, and only basic aiming skills to use it to devastating effect at short ranges. It puts even a woman on equal footing with a man. If this man comes across onto your property to harm you again, shoot him. Possibly the mere sight of the weapon will make him fall back.

    Am I the only lily livered wimp that feels ill reading this advice?

  • snowbird
    Am I the only lily livered wimp that feels ill reading this advice?

    I don't know about you, Scotsman, but I live in an area similar to Snakes.'

    My house has been broken into and our cars have been stolen. If anyone threatened me or my family, I would resort to any means at my disposal for defense. Even if it means shooting someone.

    Before you judge a man, walk two moons in his moccasins.


  • leavingwt


    If and when the bullets start flying in your direction, your survival instincts will take over, and you'll toughen up just fine.

    If you are a parent, I have doubt that you would defend your children and never think twice about it.


  • undercover
    Have good quality hollowpoint bullets in it.

    As long as you're not in New Jersey...

  • BurnTheShips
    Am I the only lily livered wimp that feels ill reading this advice?

    "fucking come on, then"

    "We'll get a boot in"

    "We'll set about ye"

    You need more Scotsmen like those and not the "ill" kind. Grow a spine, friend. It's is in there.

    By the way I am glad to hear Smeaton has recovered from his coma.


  • SnakesInTheTower

    seeing as the thread didnt die and went to a 7th page... lol

    I went to Bass Pro today and bought pepper spray ... 8-10 ft range...compact, fits in my hand. bought 2 canisters. about 35 shots each. pepper spray with tear gas and a UV dye.

    Bass Pro also had Bear Spray..some sort of 2% concentration...really nasty stuff..... but the warnings said something about permanent eye damage.... and the canister was a foot tall, not easily hidden, and $45...compared to the $25 I paid for the smaller cannisters...

    That's it for me and weapons... and I hope not to have to use that.

    Snakes ()


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