Invite a voodoo priest or priestess to do a demonstration in your front yard. The rest will take care of itself.
I am scared for my life. Problems with punks.
by SnakesInTheTower 127 Replies latest jw friends
A few questions:
-- Does this guy intimidate only you, or other neighbors as well?
-- How is your relationship with other neighbors?
-- Is there anything you and a few neighbors might be able to brainstorm up to try?
If you have one bad apple on the street, and everyone else agrees to help watch out for each other, that might go a long way to making things much more pleasant.
Hi, Snakes.
I'm sorry this is happening to you.
You've received some good advice with which I mostly agree.
I, too, live in a tough area, so I totally understand your predicament.
My little piece of advice: Get yourself a weapon of some sort, either a gun, a tire iron, a 2x4, or something. Be prepared to use it! Make the first blow count. Hold yourself erect, look that bastard right in the eye, and your body language will invite him to bring it!
My husband and I are separated; he lives a far piece from us; I'm responsible for the safety of my household. I let the neighborhood punks know that I'm not afraid of them, that I'm going to treat them with the same amound of respect that they give to me.
I haven't had any real trouble out of them - as of yet. Is there anyone else nearby that you can talk to about the problem? Perhaps you are not the only one he's threatened. You may be surprised at the response of your neighbors if you tell them what's going on. When my g'daughter was assaulted back in June, in a different area from where I live, the whole neighborhood rose up and would have killed the lowlife had the police not intervened.
A few months later when things had kind of settled down, one whom I strongly suspected knew something about the incident showed up in my yard asking for another of my g'kids. I gave him three seconds to get his black ass off my premises! They know I don't play around when it comes to my family or my property.
Again, I'm sorry this is happening to you. You're a very nice guy, but good-for-nothings like that guy don't understand diplomacy. You've got to make it clear to him that this is one White guy he won't get to push around and then brag about it.
Hoping for the best for you and expressing regrets about your situation.
I am really sorry for you and I would get out of there as soon as I could. When you are dealing with somebody who is looking for an excuse to hurt somebody it is a losing proposition no matter what anybody tells you. I remember when I was active in the religion I went visiting some black friends who lived in garden apartments. I observed they had a 'neighbor' who was a loud deranged man. If this man ever struck out he would go after the nearest people around him and I am not sure a locked door would keep him out. I was afraid for myself and for them. I don't think they stayed too much longer after that.
Did you ever try to talk to him before it got to this point?..........
I have tried to reason with this individual. You see, all the punk wants is HIS WAY.... doesnt matter if it imposes problems on others or is against the law. What I ask for is not unreasonable. Dont come into the drive at 3am with the bass of the stereo vibrating my windows, dont use my drive/yard as an extension of your drive, get rid of or fix the junk cars, and leave me the hell alone.
I did not presume that when the punk moved in just because he looks like a punk that he is a punk. I presume people are decent until they prove otherwise.... often I am disappointed, but it beats being more cynical and jaded than I already am. One incident prior to the problems you would have thought would have earned me points in their eyes:
These folks had just moved in and gotten a puppy. They keep it tied up in their backyard on too short of a rope. Puppy got bored and chewed the rope, wondered over to my yard. I got home later that day, no one home next door, and the puppy had been in my recycle bin. His head was stuck inside a plastic cat food container. Poor thing was emaciated and hungry and smelled the cat food scent and went looking for food. I was able to get the puppy free and got a grateful lick on the hand and tail wag in return. I let the owners (punks) next door know about their dog, but it seemed they were more pissed off that I interfered with their animal than anything. In retrospect, I should have called the local humane shelter and had them take the dog away to a good home. So no points won there.
Since then, and after the first assault, their teen age son (?) was home outside their house one night, locked out. Folks were not home. He asked to use my cell phone to call them to pick him up or let him in. At first, I didnt let him, but only because I was on the phone. But as soon as I got done, I asked him for the number, dialed it, handed him the phone, and he called them. When he hung up, no thank you, nothing. I told the kid, "make sure you tell your parents whose phone you used." Bet he "forgot." no points there.
Damned if I do, damned if I dont. So I am done with being nice to those derelects of society. As long as I live here, and I dont know how long that will be, I will have to deal with this bully. I dont fancy prison, so I will not be obtaining a weapon. Because as a couple of you have said, be prepared to use it if you have it. I do not think emotionally I could handle killing someone. I think killing someone changes something in your psyche. It does not make one a better person.
By the way, the previous tenant sometimes looked just as bad as this punk, but was as nice as could be. Spoke proper English, just had a gangsta style....I knew their names, their kids names, spoke to them every day if I seen them, and they spoke to me. I hated to see them go, YET......they had a derelect car. I didnt call the city on that tenant. Why? The difference was, Reggie (the previous tenant) actually was working on the car to try to get it running. You gReggie was very apologetic and told me he had no choice but to leave his behind because the part of town they moved to doesnt tolerate non running vehicles and understood that I had to call the city when he moved out (the slumlord ended up pushing on the street for the police to deal with). otta give a guy a chance before throwing them under the bus. By contrast, the new punk tenant is using the yard as a storage facility with no attempts to fix the cars.
So you see, I have tried to be a decent human being to the scum. Drug dealers are interested only in themselves and what they can get right now. As to neighborhood associations or getting neighbors together...hahahahahahahahahahaha.......gasp....breathe....hahhahahahahahaha .tried that, have the t-shirt.... the old man and his wife that live on the other side of the punks had me come over one day to talk to me about just such a thing. The punks threatened them too. And the old man just got out of the hospital. The house across the street is empty (in preforeclosure), the house next to that no one is hardly there, but they take just enough care to avoid visits from the city. The family directly across the street from the punks) I actually went to school with, but she will take the side of the punks since she is friends with the wife/GF of the punk. Another nice family (directly across the street from me that just moved in are always nice to me and the grandma is a strict disciplinarian of the g'kids..., but they have "visitors" that "stay" there (some of you know what I am saying when I say there is a difference between "stay" and "live" someplace) and seem to have some dealings with the punks. The house next to I want to deal with a registered sex offender? All is quiet at that particular house now, so why stir the $hit? So I do have a couple of empathetic allies in the neighborhood, but they are scared to do anything and cant move either.
Police budgets are cut, police union got a concession from the city to allow their officers to live outside the city limits.....if it is so bad the cops dont want to live here, what the hell chance do the rest of us have...
I am still looking at apartments, but anything close to my usual price range is in similar neighborhoods. One place I am looking at might work, but I dont anticipate having the funds until January.... 7 months from when I want to move away for good.... just taking one day at a time.
Snakes ()
SNAKES- I am very sorry you are having to deal with this disrespectful, asshole of a person. These are types of people who have no scruples about whacking you over the head and maiming or killing you. Snowbird is right- no amount of reasoning will work with these types of people; as they really don't give a $hit about you or anybody else. It sucks that the police won't help you out in this situation ; but truth be told, sometimes the police are more scared of repercussions than you are if this constantly happens on their normal patrol and beat. My advice : move as soon as you can to get quality of life back into your life. No one deserves to be treated this way , and you don't have to put up with it. But if you value your life- I would move. There are some fights that aren't worth fighting , just walk away , discretion is the better part of valor and it will keep you living. Don't waste your time on this pile of trash person. Good luck, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I do not think emotionally I could handle killing someone. I think killing someone changes something in your psyche. It does not make one a better person.
Really, it's no big deal if they deserve it or you are protecting your own life. Better them than you, right? I've killed 5 people (or six?, can't remember) and it was kind of upsetting for awhile but that passed and all's well.
I am very sorry you are having to deal with this disrespectful, asshole of a person.
Flipper!! Saying such a thing only hearing one side of the story? Im ashamed of you.
Reading this whole thread. Im convenced there is more to the story than 'them' just being thugs and punks.
Funny I deal with 'thugs & punks' regularly and never get disrespect. I wonder why?
I agree with IP i think there's more to the story then is being said.
In any case you have to show respect to get respect.
Here's the deal, this trick has gotten me out of some pretty hairy confrontations. I've had alot of big rednecks that want to beat up on the effeminite wrestler, "He's not so big".
Firstly get a camera before you plan on doing this for CYA measures. I'm saying if the cops aren't going to do anything. They can't argue with video. I've never had that problem because usually ones a big drunk redneck and the other is a nice college boy just trying to get home. So the first thing is to provoke him to come into your space like he did this time. Get out of your car and get pinned like he did. Aim the top of your hairline to the bridge of his nose and put your back into it. Rotate your hips and back like a fulcrom. All your weight behind it. Try about half an inch below where his eyes are. That'll give you enough time to go inside, call the police and have the tape ready. It's also just enough time to walk aross his ankle, which usually breaks it. They go down, you walk across the ankle so they don't get up.
This person's a bully and you shouldn't stand for that. This simple one two should get the job done. If you get the camera ready and tape it, there will be no question it was self defense. If he tries anything further it will be seen as a revenge crime and premeditated. You could even get a restraining order against them for this incident, that way not only will any retaliation be premeditated, it will be in violation of a restraining order and the punk is going to jail for a while.