How about those who got to go to college and the justification was that the FDS never said it was wrong to go to college just a conscience matter.........didn't one of the governing body members allow his son to go to Cornell? I think it was Shroeder.
Were There Things U Couldn't Do But Others Could Without Getting In Trouble
by minimus 18 Replies latest jw friends
How about all the things the GB got away with.............drinking, child abuse, pedophilia, homosexuality, how do people as adults not see it...........LOL!
Sometimes (no, mostly) you ask questions that will guarantee you to get a bunch of replies.
EVERYONE knows that in any big Organization, some people can get away with stuff and some cannot. To put it another way, in any big Organization, everyone is equal but some are MORE equal. (Orwell, Animal Farm)
"The Circuit Overseer is NOT just another Elder." This became the policy after the GB said they were just another Elder and this became the official policy after the rotating Elder arrangement became a disaster for the Brooklyn control freaks(tm).
I was an up-and-comer on the fast track and a pioneer. I was most certainly under scrutiny for what I did. The older Elders didn't care for me at all. First, I knew more history and doctrine than they did. Secondly, I would correct them on doctrine and policy when they were wrong. Thirdly, I was outspoken and brash and I told the damn TRUTH and I could prove it with official WTS references. It is better to say that they hated me because I was everything they were not and they were used to making up shit as they went, and I wasn't.
But they sabotaged me, though. I was passed up for Elder but a guy who just came back from 4 years at Bethel (sweeping floors) and who couldn't pass his G.E.D. any more than Mike Tyson could after 3 years of study in prison was appointed as an Elder.
Tyson was more intelligent than this ex-Bethelite. This ex-Bethelite never got into trouble. Braindead people have a hard time even understanding the concept of "trouble."
I got into trouble. I just walked away. People loved my hour talks, my well-researched comments at the meetings, my virtually impromptu hour talks when the speaker didn't show up and my humor. I was young. I was brash. I didn't fit into the good-old-boy mold. And I was gone. And they were all glad I was gone. I was glad I was gone.
It worked out for all of us. The things that I couldn't do (was not supposed to do) were the things that most of the others couldn't do on their best days. I did them. They couldn't do them.
I became demonized and have been content ever since.
wha happened?
Farkel u remind me of an elder who was recently chased off the body on flimsy charges. Young and inventive, not the type of person wanted in a good old boy network.
years ago, my son was d'fd and being just a grunt brother, I lost all p rivileges in the congregation becasue he was still living at home. A few months later an elder's son was also d'fd but he kept all of his privileges in the congregation including being an elder and even a talk was given stating that just because one is in this scenario doesn't mean he should be looked down upon and lose his privileges. I was moritfied!
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I had to hide to have sex with girls from another high school across town while the elders kids were all running around screwing each other. Besides that, my hair length and dress were always an issue along with my choices in music and wall decor (Molly Hatchett posters etc). Smoking cigarettes & pot, and getting drunk was ok for an elder's kid, but if I got seen eating a meal at the American Sandwich Shop with the Red White and Blue banner flying above, my folks got called.
so what about my questions??
Elders' wives vs. non elders' wives= no competition.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Elders' wives vs. non elders' wives= no competition.
Elderettes? Bitchelorettes? Ya, so many of the ones in my congos knew the outcome of judicial committees before the judges did. Gossip flew through West Sacramento, Ca congo faster from sister Chicas then from the National Inquirer. If her Columbian wetback elder hubby knew it, the rest of the world would soon after.