Have you made arrangements for your civil funeral?

by digderidoo 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • digderidoo

    It may sound morbid, but have you?

    It appears that the funeral of a disfellowshipped person would be, that an elder if he feels that there may be some repentence on the behalf of the person that they would give a funeral, but not at the kingdom hall.

    This leads me to think what would i want? I certainly wouldn't want an elder to give a talk at my funeral. But at the same time i do not want a conventional one. This is something i haven't given much thought about, but i couldn't bear the thought of an elder doing my funeral, which at the moment could well be the case if, God forbid, my number comes up.


  • BluesBrother

    I have thought about this too. (Am I also morbid ? No, realistic)

    I do not care what happens. I contend that funerals are for the benefit of the living, not the dead. If it pleased family members to have a Witness funeral to help them get along, then so be it. my carcass in a coffin would know nothing, hear nothing, feel nothing. So they can do what they like.

    I have offered my body for medical research, if they will take it at the time , but it depends on next of kin co operating and following through on that . I am not sure that they would.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I think it's a good idea. I would rather this burden be placed on someone other than my wife

  • JeffT

    My children have instructions to give me a viking funeral. With bagpipes. I suppose they can invite the group from the KH if they want.

    Sorry I couldn't resist. I think that Kingdom Hall funerals are horrible, as they consist of a plug for the WTBS, not a celebration of some one's life. I think everyone should make some sort of arrangment, so it doesn't fall on bereaved spouses or children to figure out what to do.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    I agree with you about Kingdom Hall funerals being horrible. I have a cousing that died 6 or 7 years ago that had a JW funeral. I had not been in a Kingdom Hall in a very long time. I could barely sit there and listen to that horseshit. I have some aunt and uncles that are JWs that are getting on up in years. I will not go to another Kingdom Hall funeral. I may go to the graveside service and visit the family but I will not step foot in another Kingdom Hall. It brought back too many nightmarish memories.

    But on another note, you do not have to have any type of religious funeral or memorial service when you die. We had my mother cremated. We had a "memorial party" about 3 1/2 weeks later. We invited all her family and close friends. We showed a slide show of pictures, listened to music that she liked and ate food and wine that she would have liked. Everyone had a chance to share something about my mother if they wanted to. This was what she had requested. There was one Bible verse read from Eccleiastes and several poems that she liked. There was no minister or clergy of any type. There was no prayer or mention of Jesus or God. It was a very positive day.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    Are you a disfellowshiped repentant person? I like the idea of a party 3 wks later. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • IP_SEC

    Im a D'ad person with no ties to JWs other than my mom. I live far from her anyway.

    I dont have any plans for a funeral. God forbid I should ever die, I'll prolly end up with whatever happens to people when they dont have any plans or family to take care of these things.

    Since I will be just a heap of rotting cells, I dont really care what they do or say about me after I die.

  • startingover

    I have given this quite a bit of thought. I have a JW wife and don't have any labels (yet). I too feel that funerals are for the living, but the thought having a JW funeral just to make my wife happy turns my stomach. I have entertained the idea of writing out my own funeral talk that could be given by whoever. I have even started composing it, but right now I don't think that's the way it should go. Right now I'm leaning toward no services. What do I care anyway, I won't be there to enjoy it.

  • Hortensia

    I sure as hell don't want the WTBTS to have anything to do with any funeral at which I am the honoree. Come to think of it, why have a funeral? Cremation, toss me out with the garbage, I won't know the difference.

  • StAnn

    I intend to have a big old Catholic Mass and be buried in a Catholic cemetery. That way, my husband won't have to worry about any stupid JW relatives wanting to ease their consciences at the end over how they've treated me. I can't think of a better way to roll out the "NOT Welcome" mat.

    We've talked about doing a private funeral or having an invitation only funeral to keep out the JWs but, hey, having a Catholic funeral would be helpful for my husband and children and keep away the degenerate Dubs at the same time. Woo hoo! Bring on the incense.


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