My daughter, and sisters know that I only want to be thrown in the ground, during which some good
rock and roll is to be played. Then they are to go directly to a keg party and bonfire!!
No JW bullshit, no clergy.........just a party!!
by digderidoo 19 Replies latest jw friends
My daughter, and sisters know that I only want to be thrown in the ground, during which some good
rock and roll is to be played. Then they are to go directly to a keg party and bonfire!!
No JW bullshit, no clergy.........just a party!!
Cremated, no memorial or burial services for me.
My will specifically prohibits a JW funeral. I've also got a medical power of attorney that specifically prohibits any members of Jehovah's Witnesses from making medical decisions for me. That's just in case my family decides to get feisty.
My cousin is a funeral director, and a JW. He was at one time my best friend [for a mere 35 or 40 years].
He now refuses to associate with me because I discovered that his religion [and mine] was a fraud. So, as long as JW's and those who insist on believing their lies, have nothing to do with any of it - I don't care.
But, it would be about time to begin making some plans so that my wife doesn't have to do so as I lay post-mortem.
I'm thinking that a nice Secular Buddhist Memorial would be just fine as they let the ashes blow in the wind over the woods and waters in the same place we spread my brother's cremains 5 years ago.
When I lived in Cleveland back in the 60's and 70's I remember seeing big long funerals.
I have lived in Florida since 81, I hardly ever see a funeral and if I see one its 1or 2 cars.
I want a celebration of my life not my death ......i want my freinds to give a speech then have a big party ....drink heaps and have one for exit song .......highway to hell ACDC......karter
I've already written my obit, and I update it regularly as my list of life accomplishments grows!
Want a completely secular service. I'll be cremated and my ashes dumped in the Connecticut River. I want a celebration, not a funeral.
Two weeks ago I did a feature article about funerals based on a discussion with a local funeral director. He really made some very negative comments about religious funerals. In the article, without mentioning the JWs I talked about once belonging to a religion where the funeral services were essentially recruitment talks for the religion. I've had people ask me about that since the article came out.
what u reckon violent femmes blister in the sun .heaps of drinks.
a lady celbrant and then pub cool ah. then naked danceing bethels beach shock the world .
die like you mean to live. with out regret or without restrait. cheers
I want a funeral where people talk about memories of me as a person, not so they can use it as a springboard to recruit cult members.
No I haven't because I still have this strange idea that I will live forever in paradise on earth.....wierd I know.