WT Controlling Statements About Missing Meetings,Worldly Parent's, Etc.

by flipper 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Flipper, what an excellent post, and everyones comments were great too. Yes WT controling statements have been going on since its inception. Many statements are so dogmatic especially in the earlier years of the organizations history. And equally the same is true today. Do this Do that. Can't do this Can't do that.

    Missing meetings because of work has always been a sore spot with the organziation and elders. Heck I knew elders that worked late hours missed meetings and service. But did they get shit for it, not they didn't. They can get away with alot before anyone takes any action. When the C.O. comes around then they pull up their sock and try and make a good impression. So transparent. Even the witnesses who miss so many meetings pop up like submarines when the C.O. comes to visit. Good old guilt feelings can overpower them real good.

    I recall vividly the day my mother and aunt went to visit my wonderful non witness grandma, my mother was returning every gift my grandma had ever given us as kids. She told her mom(grandma) that she was demonized and that it was causing problems in our home and she handed everything back to my dear grandma, my grandma was heartbroken. My aunt who isn't a JW, recently told me that my mother hurt her mom so deeply she cried and cried for days. Yet my grandma forgave my mom and other aunt. She was more of a chirstian then my witness mom and aunt. Oh I was so angry at them for doing that to my grandma. How cruel and unchristian can one person get.

    My mom is a fanatical zealot witness. I couldn't believe that she could tell her own mother she was demonic. My Grandma was a devote Christian an Anglican just as I am today. I know she died while I was still a JW, but my aunt assures me that my Grandma knew deep down I didn't like being a witness. She was right I hated it, for many many long years. I truly believe my Grandma is in heaven and see and watches over me.

    My mom and dad and other witnesses around the globe are all brainwashed and you knowwhat, more than 90 plus percent of them are very unhappy people with problems of mental and emotional health, In fact it is well known fact medicaly that JWs are the most depressed persons in the world. Why? Because of the rigidity of their having to live their lives by the rules of the WTS. They have no pleasure in their lives because the society makes them feel so quilty. They are in constant fear with that quilt. I have heard it come of of the mouths of dozens of witnesses who say they are quilty of not putting more hours, not getting to all meetinga, not getting more time in the service, so they sit there and browbeat themselves into these quilt trip. The Society heaps upon them. Meeting after meeting after meeting. Then they get so worked up about it they get sick and nerves bother them, they have breakdowns or get older faster their health fails or their husbands are elders and they don't get home from meetings until 10:30pm and your exhausted the kids are acting up and your ready to pull your hair out by the roots. Gee isn't this a happy wonderful so called true religion???? Not!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What can be done to open the eye of these witnesses so that they can see what really is truth.?? We can hope that they find sites such as this one and learn what is going on behind the closed doors of the WTBTS




    Flipper..WBT$ RULE Number #1: "Divide and ConQuer"..It`s the best way,to spit Family`s up!!..........."The WBT$ is not a "Family Friendly Organization!!"...............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • flipper

    ORANGEFATCAT- Very good points you bring up. I saw it too in the many years I was in the witnesses where elders would be allowed to work shift work and miss meetings and no one would hassle them about it ! But if an average publisher worked shift work missing meetings you were considered spiritually weak. Just ridiculous. It's one reason , among many that I left the organization because of the double standards for the elders as opposed to how normal rank and file publishers were treated !

    OUTLAW- Yes indeed my brother, the WTBS does divide and conquer families. I'm gonna try and get one of my daughter's back though ! It's gonna take time, but I have to try

  • 1914BS

    Ummm I just bought a shower massage and I lost the directions. need help

    Oh good thread

  • Confucious


    This is a great thread.

    Me and my then wife - pioneered for about 9 years. Both of us.

    When we started - we had zero credit card debt.

    I remember after the first year pioneering together, I think we amassed $3,000 in credit cards.

    But it was worth it to me. Basically, I "bought" a years worth of pioneering.

    After about 9 years of pioneering... I think we ended up with about $30,000 in credit cards debt.

    Looking back today... it's amazing how hard you have to work just to keep pace.

    You have to work your a$$ off just to break even.


  • flipper

    CONFUCIOUS- I hear you brother. I pioneered in the early 1980's for 3 years and in 19 years of marriage to my JW wife ( ended in 1998 ) we ran up over $20,000 in credit card debt. I had to file a form of bankruptcy after the marriage ended in 1998, just to start over ! But I'm doing well now because in 10 years since, I've only had to put $ 5,000 on cards and I'm on my 3rd marriage now ! So- I've been more careful since exiting the witness cult. Plus now I have time to go out and earn more money in my self employed business ! So THAT helps. Believe me bro, I've lived your story as well. Hope you are doing better now

  • Confucious


    Very close story to you.

    After 10 years of marriage to my pioneer partner - we divorced.

    I almost filed bankrupcy. I remember sitting at a bankrupcy lawyer's office.

    Now... not quite 10 years later - I have zero cc debt.

    But to do that, (self employed) - I basically work a normal day 8 hour day - go home and then work another 4 hours or so in front of the computer.

    Over the course of time I pioneered (10 years or so) - I estimate that I might have worked maybe 4 hours a day - tops.

    Bizarre as it was - my wife at the time maybe worked 4 hours a day as well.


  • Robert7

    Then they say on stage "Satan wants to take away your worship of Jehovah even if you don't worship him. So Satan wins if you miss a meeting"

    So along with demonizing everything and adding undue guilt, missing a meeting is directly tied to Satan winning. Talk about guilt!

  • flipper

    CONFUCIOUS- I'm glad you were able to get out of debt as well . I've often wondered how many JW's are in deep financial trouble because of attending way too many meetings and going out in service too much to the lack of working full time ? They really have their priorities backwards.

    ROBERT 7- Yes, it is amazing the guilt the witnesses put on their members for missing meetings and how they try to say Satan is behind it. Of course as we know , to them, Satan is behind eveything negative that happens to them

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