Thanks everyone for your comments so far.
A good point was raised which is that JWs need to make sure THEY are being responsible for thier own kids and what they are exposed too. The thing is you are brainwashed to believe that the organization is from God and therefore you can trust whatever publication they give you to instruct your children.
Even when some are comfronted with what is wrong with a publication like this, probably cognitive disodance keeps them from reacting appropriately. That is why someone like my husband who was usually a balanced person would also call this book "a loving provision". It does not dawn on these people that it is just wrong and that the motives are not well meaning.
Also as a parent myself, and a person who was molested as a child, I understand the importance of teaching your children to keep thier private areas private and tell someone if they are made to feel uncomfortable but never would I think it is appropriate to use such graphic language for children under 10 as this book does. Only a sick person would deem this appropriate.
Also, a great point was raised about associating demons with touching of private parts. (probably masturbation). Imagine how screwed up mentally these kids will be by this association? Most of us understand masturbation to be a normal part of adolesence and not something that will scar us forever. To even have a small child believe they are demonized if they do it, or that demons are watching can cause lots of damage.
This really brings back some old feelings I had on this topic and I think I am going to find a way to get this information out to more people.
For the JW lurkers on this board, you need to wake up to the fact that your kids are in real danger in the organization. And you need to be careful not to give up your common sense and leave the parenting of your children up to an evil publishing empire, with a sick and twisted mind.