Looking at the page scanned, it says, apart from the sexual content, that Jehovah hates violence. Well what about armageddon. The biggest act of violence the world will ever know. How can you HATE violence and at the same time use it to sort out the world's problems?
Jesus tells kiddies not to play wih penis' or vulvas?
by lovelylil 53 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
horrible life
First paragraph of the scan (1 Peter 5:8 ) "But Jehovah is stronger than Satan. Jehovah can protect his children or undo anything bad that Satan does to them."
Just these 2 sentences jumped out at me. First, can Jehovah "undo bad things"?? Give a child back their virginity? Make them forget? Turn back time?
"Jehovah can protect his children." ?? Can he? Bad things happen to kids everyday. This makes a child think they are protected. HELLO!! But in a later paragraph, it tells children to take care of themselves and also to be careful.
In the third paragraph, It tries to blame the victims of abuse, by saying the victim will continue this behavior, that they learned. As if every child who has been abused, is now an abuser. SICK and pisses me off!
horrible life
Maybe Jehovah being able to undo things, is why they don't tell. If they just wait on Jehovah, it will undo.
If they tell, Jehovah won't undo it.
Makes perfect sense!!
And not only does playing with your pee pee make the demons happy but it also leads to homosexuality! (See "Your Youth- Getting the Best Out of it"). Oh what a loving provision from Jehovah!
Honey can I take your vulva out for a drive tonight? (Wink wink nudge nudge).
Homerovah the Almighty
Jesus tells don't play with your private parts play with his , here's the proof !
I don't think the people who made that lightswitch plate thought it thru all the way.
Anyway, that was funny! Lilly
This is no surprise. Those religious groups that have problems with sexual use of children and rampant promiscuity operate by sexualizing a child at a young age. One of the methods of grooming a child for molestation is to get them to be sexually aware at a level not appropriate for their age. This book, the YPA and study about oral sex indicate that the WT is systematic about grooming children to be sexual. The inner circle of the religion can claim they teach against these sexual practices, while at the same time there is use of the children they groomed sexually for ritualistic purposes. Then they can guilt those children and the parents into keeping quiet. It appears that the molestation problem is systemic and by design.
Ok. I dislike the WTS just as much as the rest of you... but really... to say they are grooming kids for molestation? Although the statement above about high control groups may be true, I think this is just coincidentally true with the WTS, and is not devious as is being suggested. The WTS is obsessed with sex, and demonizes sex, and I think this is horrible as this screws up many kids' view of sex, but they are not trying to intentionally set up a structure to molest kids.
speaking of learning about sex from wt publications - i learned what masturbation was at age 11 from the young people ask book! i probably would have held out at least a few more years before making the demons happy if not for that insightful book, lol. (on a side note - isn't the chapter on masturbation combined with the chapter about homosexuality? the two issues MUST be interlinked.) :)
you know that the Society isn't stupid. They play the fear factor game. We will tell the kiddies about Satan the Devil really early so they can have nightmares about him. Then they tell you if you do something wrong you please Satan. Jehovah will destroy you if you please Satan, do you want to die forever like the Devil? Hell that is so much pressure for a child. It is rotton.. Wow what a hell of a guilt trip to put on kids. Then the kill statement, you don't want to make Satan happy do you? You want to please Jehovah right? Talk about brainwashing. I think the Governing Body are sexual repressed. So they get their jollies writing about it.
I mean to tell a two or three year olds what the names of private parts are is insane. The Society presumes to much. Can you imagine Jesus having all the children around him and he teaching the names of their private parts. I doubt it very much. He has so much love for children and their innocence he isn't burdenning them done with the names of body parts. He more than likely spoke about the happy things children like and he taught them of love and obedience to mom and dad.
I mean where oh where does the GB get the chuzpah to write this stuff. The children in this world are exposed early enough about sex and I think parents need to speak to their children about it, but not the WTS, it is something they have overstepped the boundaries . They have interferred with something that is the parents responsibility. It is something that parents do not the Society.
It is true children seem to grow up faster now, but still putting something explicit in a childs book is totally inappropriate.
that language is more suited for teenagers. Not toddlers. If all parents are warned to keep their children with them at the meetings then the chances of them being lured away is lesser, but it is the parents who allow their kids to run around the kingdom hall they are the ones that will be targeted by the pedophile. He sees them as children who are disobedent to parents and can easily gain that childs confidence with bribes and promises. They have all the tricks up their sleeves and as parents they must be warned to watch out for their precious children.