Has anyone done a cleansing fast?

by frozen one 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamsterbait

    We use HUGE amonts of energy just breaking down what we have eaten.

    Fasting is another way of having a rest.

    Lots of fluid is bound to be good as it helps the body wash out the toxins it produces daily. Hell - lets face it, if our bodies are not either producing poisons, or full of them, why do we die if the liver or kidneys fail???


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I've decided to do a wine fast

  • abbagail

    Bennett and the majority of the medical community say colon cleansing is bunk. If you can prove them wrong, I'm all ears. How is that not "Open"?

    As for fasting and nutrition, I'm completely open to listening to new ideas in those areas.


    Nowhere did I say anything about colon cleansing. It's all the other people who are into using all sorts of "therapeutic aids" to detox. The only detox I agree with is water fasting.

    Glad to hear you are open to learning about that!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Ugh I ate a Tommy's today and I'm in the muddle of a colon cleanse

  • abbagail

    CoCo has asked in a different thread, if it is "reckless to eat dessert first?"

    This actually relates to DETOXING as well. Check out the section I posted in that thread re: Proper Food Combining:

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Most people who try them say they feel great afterwards....also some have gotten rid of Gal stones with out surgery and cleared their bile ducts of sludge..gotten rid of worms...there is more to this if you look harder.

  • abbagail

    Just rolled in today, latest newsletter from True North Health (detox):


    [...] Fasting can be an intense and often life-changing experience. When it comes to overcoming obesity, normalizing blood pressure and blood sugar levels and eliminating the consequences of autoimmune disorders, including arthritis, colitis, Lupus, RA, asthma, etc. there is nothing that works better than doing nothing (fasting) intelligently.

    PS: I have no financial interest in this place. Wish I did. Wish I owned it. I'd go live there permanently. ;-)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'd rather not look harder, or look at all. Examining excrement is not my cup of tea.

    I'm going to have a Daglas burger with extra chili and chili fries. I think that should clean out anything in my colon

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Sounds like a plan.

    Anything living should leave in fear!

  • Gregor

    Has anyone seen that British series "You are what you eat" ? My gawd! The snotty bitch host actually made a guy defecate into a Tupperware bowl and then they sat down on the sofa together and picked through it with a chopstick and a magnifying glass. I didn't watch long enough to see if they 'burped' the lid.

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