my first halloween...what will you be?

by oompa 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    I will try to live up to my avatar! I cant wait! Many have told me it makes them sick or gives them the creeps...i don't get it.........he is cute!!!.....Me and my DF'd son will party hardy! ..................oompa

    oh...and scantily clad ladies....please include pictures!

  • StAnn

    I will be going as a mom, taking her children trick or treating, something I was never allowed to do with my oldest son who was raised a JW.

    I've always felt bad that he missed out on trick or treating.


  • oompa

    StAnn.....please get your older son to go with you! if at all possible least let him know you wish you could......we both have a lot to make up for dammit......oompa

  • flipper

    OOMPA- On Friday Halloween day I clean a golf course lobby and restaurant in the morning. I bought my first Halloween mask - a gross looking Phantom of the Opera complete with salivating mouth ! I will be wearing it when I clean the golf course that Friday ! Might even get me a hoodie to wear too so it hides the mask to look more real ! Can't wait ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Gregor

    This year I'm going as a crotchety old conservative.... my costume will be very inexpensive.

  • oompa

    too much flipper!....i went to that in nyc...and ya...creepy dude..................oomps

  • beksbks

    I was planning on being Sarah Palin, but it looks like I won't be able to afford the costume

  • skeeter1

    I haven't bought my costume yet...but it will be a sailor outfit. I'll be joining the Armed Forces for a night. Skeeter

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I would guess there are going to be a lot of people dressed as John McCain scarring a lot of shit out of people !

  • StAnn

    Beks, maybe the gov't can spare $150K out of the $700 billion bailout for your costume.


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