Holy Disfellowshipping batman

by lancelink 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • lancelink


    I heard yesterday that 50 (yes 50) young people have been disfellowshipped within the past month in my
    old circuit. Northern Illinois, I don't remember the number perhaps 11-A or B ??
    Round lake, Palatine, Crystal lake,Cary,Barrington area.

    50 kids within 30 days,, I verified this with two different people from 2 different congregations.

    I just cannot wrap my mind around this thought, what is going on in the world of JW's that would cause
    so many to be DF'ed so soon?

  • asilentone

    thats why we need Simon to open this board again to newbies! so they can get in to tell us what is going on!

  • watson
    what is going on in the world of JW's that would cause
    so many to be DF'ed so soon?

    Nothing new, they just got caught! LOL.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    It's a sign of the end. Disobedient to parents ie. (Mother)

  • AudeSapere
    thats why we need Simon to open this board again to newbies! so they can get in to tell us what is going on!

    Ummm... I think its much more important for those kids and their parents to get understanding and support than for us to simply get the skinny on more gossip. We can pretty much deduce what happened: Kids got caught being kids. We really don't need more details than that. If someone wants more, there are plenty of trash books that pander to those desires. The bigger problem is that a huge group of kids may be ousted from their families at a time when they most need them.

    And it may likely be a livelong condition.

    Should be criminal.


  • Devilsnok

    They probably wouldn't give up their facebook / myspace accounts.

    50 kids, thats nearly a whole future congregation gone and at least 1 J.C a day

  • sacolton

    Almost ties in with this story ...


    Students at a suburban St. Louis high school headed to the gymnasium for HIV testing this week after an infected person told health officials as many as 50 teenagers might have been exposed to the virus that causes AIDS.
  • dinah

    OMG! Sacolton! THAT is scary.

    Fifty teens in a month? That is a huge number. I wish I had the figures around here. I wonder if that is a nationwide trend? Even when I was a teen (back when the dinos ran the earth) most of us got df'd or left eventually.

    Hopefully, those kids will find support. Sadly, most of them will probably never break-free from the JW mindset without some sort of help.

  • sir82

    You'd be surprised. There have been occasional purges like this since the 70's. Typically it involves some really heavy stuff, like drug rings. Sometimes you might get something like this from a really big party that got out of control.

    There are a lot, I mean a LOT, of JW kids who lead some really sordid lives when not within a Kingdom Hall.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    I know of at least 2 instances where there were mass df'ings of kids. Both involved parties that got out of control and the police were involved in both. Both spanned multiple congregations and if my memory serves, one had around 30 actually df'ed (with probably the same amount reproved or otherwise dragged into the back room) then other had around 20 df'ed with about 30 getting hit with lessor sanctions. I really think that because JW kids are so restricted, many end up rebounding so hard the other way and are completely out of control. A kid with a balanced family life has a much better chance of staying out of trouble (getting pregnant, doing drugs, etc). I would imagine the same type of backlash comes from kids involved with other high control, fundy type of religions. AS - I agree, its a shame that these kids will be shunned by their families and some will likely be kicked out of their homes. They need help, not rejection.

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