I'm sure you've seen these, just in case you haven't.
by NoMoreHustle 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I'm sure you've seen these, just in case you haven't.
Idiots. I'm glad I'm out. I would never have joined this religion had it been when I came in what it is now.
So these are the people who are entrusted with the responsibility of warning the world of the imminence of the greatest catastrophe ever, when almost all humans will be wiped out? These are the one and only people who have the key to survival?
I have not long joined instagram and can't believe all of the JW bs on there! I have noticed some of the remaining JW "friends" I have always put that they are JW's in a little write up about themselves along with a jw.org link.
I even found a page for jw models haha people who were good looking enough to be models but can't be because they are faithful jdubs lol! So sad.
Sadly this cartooning is coming in as a way to brainwash children to serve the Watchtower Corporation and its man made leadership with its corrupt devious publishing agenda.
Grab a broom granny and get to work, we have an elders meeting.
What is the pic with caleb and sophia and the girl? are they driving a tractor and cleaning up mounds of dead human and animal bodies after Armageddon?