I would never have joined this religion had it been when I came in what it is now.
I have heard this same comment from many others, though most of them are older ones who have nowhere else to go, so they stay out of desperation and loneliness.
by NoMoreHustle 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I would never have joined this religion had it been when I came in what it is now.
I have heard this same comment from many others, though most of them are older ones who have nowhere else to go, so they stay out of desperation and loneliness.
The third one from Queensland Australia is jut so sad!
-the freeze frame of Sofia on the TV screen looks like she is about to be harmed and is cowering in fear!
-the people manning the stand look very "special" if you know what I mean?
-and the sign saying "take literature , it's free" just looks desperate!
ahhhh.... What has this org become?!
Good point village idiot!
try wearing one and see just how quickly you get "counselled" by the elders!
As I know, bow ties are considered to be presentable attire, not something that you would be counselled for wearing... but from my observations, those who wear them always seem to be somewhat eccentric or peculiar...