As most of you know..I live in the Canadian Wilderness,on a Mountain..Going to civilization is not cheap..It`s time consuming and gas is not cheap to make the trip..$15.00 round trip..Or..$200.00 taxi cab fare(round trip),plus cab fare to get around town............I drove up my Ranch driveway..And..Got out of my truck to unlock the massive Ranch gate..Stuffed into the gate was the new WBT$ Tract,wrapped in a plastic bag!..The title of the Tract:"Would you like to Know the Truth?"...............Actually..Yes,I would like to know the Truth!.....What kind of an Idiot would spend all that time to drive to the middle of nowhere,spend all that money on gas,spend money on plastic bags,just to leave me a worthless WBT$ Tract??!!....LOL!!...........................
...Would you like to Know the Truth?...
by OUTLAW 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"You can always return to Jehovah."
LeavingWT..Now that you said that,I feel tingly all over!..I`m still in good standing..I could become an Elder in no time at all.....I`d rather pull my own tooth!!....LOL!!..I`ve done that,very messy..You have to be pretty drunk to do it..It hurts....................
I`m still in good standing you think it was JWs who got lost and just happened to have tracts? Or was it someone from your own jurisdiction? (shouldn't they know where you live already?)
Homerovah the Almighty
I know of a few J dubbers that loved doing this cause the long extended time between houses meant less contact to home owners,
You could get 2 hours in by only going to a dozen homes.
Since when did the JWS ever tell the truth about anything.
Dammit. I got one of those too. And here I thought I was being singled out as someone's special project. Damn blanket-the-world-with-this-crap tract campaign.
Cameo-D..I left the JW`s when I was young..That was decades ago..I`ve moved several times..No JW in these parts would have any idea who I was..There`s other Ranch`s out this way..My road is an old 1800`s dirt wagon trail......It`s obvious there is a very Zealous JW in a neighbouring town.....It`s a 20 minute drive doing 100Kph,just to get to the closest General Store!..LOL!!...........................................Homerovah..There`s no way you could drive here,find a dozen Ranch`s and get home in 2hrs!..This is a great place to do nothing and count time!!..LOL!!.....................................Scully..When JW`s can find me..You know their determined to place Tracts and count time!..The Tract is thicker this time..It`s 2ply toilet paper!..
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Outlaw, maybe you should request that they come back to try to start a Babble Study with you... and your locked gate.
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for the field service time??? Did you ever struggle to get pioneer hours?
BTXB.."Babble Study"..???..I`ve never heard that one before!!..LOL!!..Actually on the back of the Tract there`s 2 offers..1#:"Without obligation,I request a copy of the book,What does the Bible Really Teach?"..I have no idea why any one would want that book,from an organization that has "no idea" what the Bible Teach`s..LOL!!.....Offer#2.."Please contact me concerning a "Free Home Bible Study."..When has a JW ever had a Bible Study?..Ever??..JW`s study books about the Bible,written by the WBT$..I doubt any JW,has "ever" had a Bible study in their Life!!..LOL!!..................................................................Juni..This is a great area to get your time in and try to find your way home!..I have no doubt people have gotten lost here..LOL!!....................................