...Would you like to Know the Truth?...

by OUTLAW 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StAnn

    Outlaw, what's involved in staking a claim? Depending on the outcome of the election, hubby and I might be looking to relocate outside of the US of A.

    Seriously, we're town dwellers now but working toward being farm dwellers. (We both grew up on farms.) Working on being self-sufficient and can't do that in town. The problem is that we have two handicapped children and we can't live very far from a very good children's hospital. That limits our choices. That's why we're in the greater Cincinnati, Ohio, area now, to be close to Cincy Children's Hospital.

    Being in a place where it's several hours to get to a hospital is not an option for us.



    StAnn.. Things have changed since the 1800`s..Now you can stake a claim on line.........First,find an area that actually has gold..LOL!!..Then check on line to see which areas have been claimed..If a miner forgets to renew his claim and you apply for that claim..He lose`s it and it`s yours..Modern day Claim Jumping!!..LOL!!.......Find a gold panning supply store in your area,they can help you a lot.................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • StAnn
    First,find an area that actually has gold

    If that were easy to do, don't you think those miners would hold onto their claims?

    We're looking for nice farmland, room for chickens, a steer and a milk cow, a few hogs, and a big garden. Room for a wind turbine and some solar panels. I'd love a place with a creek and some woods, too, but that's asking a lot.



    StAnn..You can find a small town that has gold in it`s rivers and creeks..Just make sure it`s close enough to a larger city,so you can take care of your kids..I know that`s your first concern.........Gold claims have an Expiry Date..That date ends at midnight,of that day..Miners sometimes forget to renew before that date.....There are people on line waiting for the stroke of midnight,to take that claim.......................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • WTWizard

    That was a nice waste of gas to give you your waste of paper! Hopefully, they will end up paying something like $200 on gas, only to find out that you are an apostate and/or are not interested. That ought to be a nice waste of money.


    WTWizard..Yes,it was a Waste of Gas to give me a Waste of Paper!..LOL!!..Funny!............A person could easily waste $200.00 in gas,trying to cover the territory here..Probably more......If they were actually able to get to my door.I would love to show the JW`s my shares in Rand Cam..I have it Framed!..LOL!.............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • sf

    What kind of an Idiot

    More on Idiots (pun intended




    Good Morning (((SkallyWagger!!)))..You know girl,it would have been really funny if they had actually got to the door..One of the Questions in this Goofy Tract is:"Will War and Suffering ever end?"..I would go get my framed "Rand Cam Share`s" and say:"Not if the WBT$ and I have anything to do with it..The WBT$ and I profit from War!..The fact is,the WBT$ and I need more wars!..Things to blow up!!..If you really want to support THE WBT$ and myself you need to quit preaching about Frigg`n Peace!!..It does me no good,it does the WBT$ no good!..Now go find yourself a War and Support It!!..Tank 2..LOL!!........Thanks for the link...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • sf

    :"Will War and Suffering ever end?"..

    McCain can definetly help answer this too.



    Skallywagger..If McCain gets in,the USA and Canada will lose more soldiers to a war we should`nt be in..No doubt He`ll start another as well......I realize that`s good business for the WBT$ and myself..LOL!!..But..I really don`t want to see any more Wars........................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

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