by Victor_E 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Victor_E

    Reason 1
    JWs use a cultic language that keeps them in a constant state of social hypnosis. Transformational grammar teaches that our language directly affects our subjective experience. In working with some former JWs I had to confiscate certain words and have them create substitutes for something that was more neutral. Generalized words lead to generalized perceptions of reality, which leads to fuzzy or gummy thinking. Words and phrases like; the truth, the brothers and sisters, the spiritual paradise, the encouragement, etc, perpetuate certain emotional states thus skewing the present ongoing current time experience. Their words and phrases are like mantras that they repeat over and over to create the illusion of safety and comfort.

    Reason 2
    Behind every flawed choice there is a positive intention and oftentimes a secondary gain. Why does the battered woman stay in an abusive relationship? Due to all the benefits she gets like companionship, material sustenance, scarce emotional support, etc. The pain of staying is great but the pain of leaving is greater due to the loss of all the benefits she gets in the relationship, or so she thinks. JWs stay in out of fear of shunning, fear of stepping out of the known circle of comfort, fear of being nobodies outside of the tower, fear of having no friends, etc, etc.

    Reason 3
    No real faith in finding another faith that is based on absolute truth. This type of mentality is rooted in deeply held beliefs programmed into the JW. This all or nothing thinking does not permit the JW to be responsible for their own salvation or personal path they must take in life. We who have spent years and much time, energies and resources have proven to ourselves that JW theology is nothing more than plagiarized beliefs of other apocalyptic movements. The average JW does not want to be confused with the facts.

    Reason 4
    Some people want to stay in their comfort zone insulating themselves from the stressors and challenges that come from freely questioning, growing, and evolving. Since we are motivated by two forces pain and pleasure, the aversion to pain outside the JW subculture becomes the preferred choice negating any potential necessary steps to construct a different tomorrow. It’s a form of conditioning much like a zoo animal that prefers to stay in the cage that he was transported in instead of venturing out into unknown territory.

    Reason 5
    Some people prefer to make others responsible for their living experience and choices. Not wanting to take responsibility for one’s own destiny absolves this type of person from any guilt or self-blame since they were simply following orders. What the person fails to realize is that the people making the choices do not have to suffer the consequences nor pay the price for their decisions. These people prefer to be told what to believe. Many of us would agree that the majority of JWs are followers of followers.

    Reason 6
    Most JWs rationalize, minimize, or justify the flaws inside of the organization. What they fail to realize is that they are using cliché circular reasoning phrases that were given to them by their taskmasters. Examples of this is; we have imperfect men who are appointed by holy spirit, we must wait on Jehovah to correct things, we are being tested by Jehovah, we are so close to the end, etc, etc.

    Reason 7
    Some people are too invested in their denials. Denial is a powerful mechanism that allows us to repress painful emotions. The impact on a person once they find out they slaved for a printing company most of their life with nothing to show for it can be devastating. Far better to pretend and act as if the Tower is the keeper of divine truth and believe that if they stay in sooner or later Armageddon is coming and they will be rewarded for their faithfulness.

    Reason 8
    JWs have been disconnected from their feelings; they rely heavily on logical circular and often times paradoxical thinking. Two examples of this are the end time theology, and the UN scandal, try and show a JW all the failed prophecies or the UN papers and they will do all kinds of creative mental gymnastics. They have quick rapid-fire answers to most complex problems; this is a form of pathological thinking. They in cold blood commit atrocities in shunning loved ones in the name of God. The majority of JWs have never listened to their heart or intuition. Instead they have opted to rely all their life on life guiding information from the Tower, never looking inward for insight about what is best for them. They have no concept of self since they don’t know the feeling that comes from having an inner alignment. A publishing company has created their identity of being a JW.

    Reason 9
    They will not read objective opposing literature to form their own conclusions and if they do, they negate it with beliefs programmed into them. I remember having two JW clients whom I loaned one of Ray’s books, one lady could only see according to her “bitter comments from an ingrate”, the other preferred to continue living in ignorant bliss. Mind you these were people seriously depressed people with all kinds of complaints against the local abusive elders.

    Reason 10
    JWs have been programmed with a pervasive fear that if they leave the Tower all kinds of bad things will happen to them. They have only heard worse case scenarios of people who left only to be swallowed by Satan and his world being forced to come back. JWs know few if any successful role models of former members.

  • Fredhall

    11. Got pretty sisters.

  • Frenchy

    Ever wake from a dream so wonderful you wished with every fiber of your being that you could return to it?

  • openminded

    Frenchy-They call those wet dreams. :)

  • Frenchy

    LOL @ Open.

  • HadEnuf

    Well...I can probably apply all most all of those reasons for staying put in the organization for so long Victor_E!

    But a few years ago I would have read those and thought that they were a lot of B.S!

    I especially liked reason #4 about the "zoo animal that prefers to stay in the cage that he is transported in instead of venturing out into unknown territory."

    Growing up and being in the organization for over 40 years is definately like being in a very small cage. The world outside my cage looks awfully scary...but I'm trying to leave that cage behind for good.

  • nytelecom1


    some people prefer.................?

    so do we or dont we all think alike?


    Ha-HA,Too true CAT!...OUTLAW

  • Erich

    to Victor E.:

    who wrote:
    ...They have quick rapid-fire answers to most complex problems; this is a form of pathological thinking. They in cold blood commit atrocities in shunning loved ones in the name of God...<

    At first: note:
    I am a critical JW. And no hypocrite. Look at all my postings...

    My native country is Austria/EU
    When I read this words, I got remembered to the political terminology of the Nazi's (1941 - 1945) in the concentration camps in Germany and Austria, where thousands of JW's got tortured and murdered by cool and smart guys, who had an incredible and horrible hate to all kind of men who were thinking in other categories of kind-of-thinking than the mainstream of men....

    You are no democrate at all! Go to your friends Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden!

    If one day, I'd got confrontated with guys like you, I'd forget all my christian principles. I'd be the first JW since 2000 years who would fight with the gun in my hands(!) against guys like you. One Nazi-dictatorship, one Hitler, and one Stalin, and one Pol Pot is enough. We do not need more killing fields with defenceless lambs !!


  • NameWithheld

    Uh, what the hell are you smoking?

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