I can't believe you guys could think so stupid !
God v Satan
by sweet pea 28 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
@Lone Ranger: Care to elaborate?
The bible is a big book. It takes many people a year to read it.
I have read it 5 times cover to cover and not the New World order translation.
Each time I made notes.
For me it took until about the 4th time through reflecting on themes etc for it to sink it how mentally unstable, manic, and viciously evil the God of the bible is.
And about the 4th time through I realized that God was the bad guy the devil was his foil or just a actor in his story.
It took me 5 times to awake from my trance and the Godspell I was under.
I am an agnostic, I reserve the right to believe there may be a god, higher power, designer.
But today, I see the bible and its god as a creation of man.
And man created God in mans image with all his quirks and eccentricities.
Today, I suspect that the biblical God of the bible, YHWH is likely an alien and the gods of the bible Elohim are aliens.
Guiding and directing us to the slaughter or at least keeping us in their matrix and draining our energy in this system of endless work, war and kaos.
The only way the aliens knew to trap us in this matrix was to have the God savior story with a protaganist God and an Antagonist the debil.
If none of that makes sense think about it like this God and the Bible gave us George Bush and the right wing neo nazzi repulbican party that put the world in its current state of kaos.
That is what the bible is good for to cause war and kaos.
Read it.
Mr. Majestic
And punishing children by having them gored to death by bears for teasing an old man?????????
I really don’t have a problem with this story personally. I can more than equate with poor Elisha….. and who said he was old…???? The cheek..!!!
I've got to post on this topic after seeing the reference earlier to the snake and eve in the garden...
Here's some points to ponder: Why did God according to the bible say one thing in scripture then totally turn away from it in other scriptures? Look carefully at the wording in these quotes and think.
Exodus 20:5,6
"You must not bow down to them nor be induced to serve them,
because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion,
bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons, upon the third
generation and upon the fourth generation, in the case of those who hate me;
but exercising loving-kindness toward the thousandth generation in the case
of those who love me and keep my commandments."
Exodus 34:7
"preserving loving-kindness for thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin,
but by no means will he give exemption from punishment,
bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and
upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.”
Dueteronomy 5:9,10
You must not bow down to them or be led to serve them,
because I Jehovah your God am a God exacting exclusive devotion,
bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation,
in the case of those who hate me; but exercising loving-kindness
toward the thousandth generation in the case of those who love me and keep my commandments.
Jeremiah 32:18,19 the One exercising loving-kindness toward thousands, and repaying the
error of the fathers into the bosom of their sons after them,
the [true] God, the great One, the mighty One,
Jehovah of armies being his name,
great in counsel and abundant in acts, you whose eyes are opened
upon all the ways of the sons of men, in order to give to each one
according to his ways and according to the fruitage of his dealings;
Ezekiel 18:20
"The soul that is sinning—it itself will die.
A son himself will bear nothing because of the error of the father,
and a father himself will bear nothing because of the error of the son.
Upon his own self the very righteousness of the righteous one will
come to be, and upon his own self the very wickedness of a wicked one
will come to be."
If you reason on what is said especially about the showing compassion and
loving kindness (grace) upon the thousandth generation...why are we still
havng to answer for Adamic sin. Apparently there was some faithful and
righteous ones in Abrahams day as well as Joseph and numerous others.
And it plainly states in Exodus that errors of fathers would be
handed down to the sons and to the third and fourth generation,yet Ezekiel says
totally the opposite..that we would each answe for our own errors
So which is it? You can't have it both ways
the stone sentinel,
StoneWall -
LOL who rattled your cage!?
Here's a great answer to your page. http://kingdavid8.com/Contradictions/Home.html Let's sit back and watch all the atheists ignore this.
Unfortunately as most atheists do not believe the bible to be inspired then even if the bible had no contradictions whatsoever it would make no difference. I had a look at your site though and as soon as the author stated there was no contradictions in the genesis account then I knew he was being intellectually dishonest.
However it isn't the wording or the interpretation of scripture that is in question but the fact that the god of the old testament is a murderer because of his actions as recorded in the bible not because of some interpretation of biblical passages. As an example, according to the bible, god killed everything on earth with the flood, if that account is (according to you) factual he is a murderer. If you take the view that the flood story is symbolic (as sensible theists must if they dont wish to ignore the overwhelming secular evidence that shows a worldwide flood is impossible) then you have to accept that Jesus is remarkably uninformed for a son of god.
darth frosty
Here was my take on the cain thing posted here:
This is kinda along the lines of my favorite who told the real lie in gen 3.
I was watching the movie 'the bible' the other night (couldn't sleep.) I was looking at its depiction of cain and thought cain is being pigeoned holed. Now I am not condoning murder and the actions of cains rage. But it seems that he was driven unfairly by outside sources.
The bible tells us that Cain became a cultivator of the soil and abel a herder of sheep. Now they were still eating the food of the land a basic vegetarian diet. If this is the case cain was the principle bread winner. Also god had cursed the land so this made cains efforts that much more of a toil. Meanwhile able tended his sheep and what do sheep eat?
Gen 4:3 tells us that it was cain who proceeded to bring some fruits of the ground as an offering. Than Able got some of the firstlings of his flock, fed presumably on the harvest of his older brother. As we know god looked with favor on able and his offering and basically snubbed Cain's.
Now the WT has read alot into this account about heart condition and the character of cain. But if you just read the account of its on merit you have to wonder why God dissed cain. Here is a man who not only worked hard for the survival of the young human family, he chose the harshest of occupation trying to reap food from a cursed earth. After he mastered this occupation he was the one who initiated the sacrifice, while his brother followed his lead.
After all of this his efforts were spurned for no good reason. Its no wonder his countenance had fallen. Again in no way do I condone his actions after this, I just question how he was manipulated into this situation for no good reason.
Additionally, some have pointed out that the structure of the word “Jehovah” indicates that it may actually slander the Creator! The prefix “Je” is often used to represent the shortened form of the Creator’s name, “Yah.” “Hovah” in Hebrew means “ruin” or “mischief.” (See Strong’s number 1943) Thus its meaning would be “Yahweh is ruinous,” or “Yahweh is mischievous.” Hovah is derived from havvah which means “eagerly coveting and rushing upon; by impl. of falling.” (Strong) Thus some claim that this is how insidiously Satan the Devil, the real mischievous one, the real “fallen angel” who “covets” the position of the Most High, has replaced the Creator’s name with a name that describes himself! (Isaiah 14: 12-14; Luke 10: 18; 4: 8, 9) It is for this reason that some have said that the strange word “Jehovah” really refers to Satan (meaning “opposer”) the Devil (meaning “false accuser, slanderer”)…