He certainly does not warrant respect, he's a blood guilty ass
Who is Theodore Jaracz
by insearchoftruth 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
He should be held accountable for "war" crimes!!
This humanoid is the lead cockroach of the whole group.
Seems to me, somebody said he's that monster werewolf from Jaracz-ic Park.
Unfortunately the organization will always be the same.
I agree. The younger members of the headquarters staff are just as blindly captivated by the doctrine of "loyalty to the organization" as the older members.
A young woman accused him of rape at one time but she has since died.
In your opinions, since many of you have been JWs, why would a GB person have the views that they do? Is it a power thing or do you think over all the time of being a jw do these thoughts and doctrines become truly believed???
He was my entrance school instructor at bethel. And yes, it's a power thing...... Gymbob
Handsome cove, isn't he?? If you know the BBC Panorama programme about J W child abuse, he was the G B member who refused to talk to the reporters.
I heard him speak a few times, he was quite forceful when he was younger
I think they are truly brainwashed and never truly examined their beliefs.
......Every one on JWD would like to meet him!..Especially Skally Wagger!.. .......................OUTLAW