Who is Theodore Jaracz

by insearchoftruth 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    There must be a thread where AlanF recounts that he once had a phone conversation with TJ and he found him being honest.

  • yknot
    I know he is on the GB, but I see his name mentioned in a lot of posts and never with any respect or reverence. Is he the senior member of the GB and is he somewhat the key figure??

    As has been confirmed, he is the 'prevailing personality' of the GB. He by no means is a 'leader' but rather a 'bully'. It is assumed that the 1999 and 2005 GB elect were hand chosen by Jaracz, and loyalty as gratitude has been status quo as a result. (Losch is the only 'new' GB not elected under the bullyship of Jaracz, but rather of the more liberal Bro Barry.)

    any other thoughts, is there any one who can provide a rundown on the personalities of the more (and I guess less) influential members of the GB and any thoughts on where the org will be taken when the older members are dead???

    We had a couple of JWD posters (who have been silent for a couple months) that hinted at various personalities. JWFreak mentioned in one post that the GB was consistant of 2 hardliners (Ted and his faithful side-kick Barr), 4 Liberals (Opined Losch as leader, how 'liberal' is unknown and he is said to hint at things but ultimately holds his hand close to his chest in this game of power poker) and 3 Moderates. JWFreak said he would discuss the matter further but hasn't as of yet. I have emailed him a couple of time since then and things are a bit tight up in NY right now.

    What will happen is anybody's guess...... mostlikely continued structure changes to mainstream and reduce liability alongside the absence of older or controversial issues being discussed from the podium or in the publications. I think Gene Smalley's influence will be significantly less, perhaps reassigned if he doesn't follow. Things rarely happen 'overnight' in the WTS, rather they are allowed to evolve layer by layer. The only 'overnight' changes are usually due to money(the protection of) or government actions.

    In your opinions, since many of you have been JWs, why would a GB person have the views that they do? Is it a power thing or do you think over all the time of being a jw do these thoughts and doctrines become truly believed???

    I think there is a lot of self-delusion. To become a GB or anyone of significance in the organization means you have made a hugh investment of your life. Yes being weathly or desperately needed can buy some privileges in many JW circles. Many people after making such investments find it hard to let it go and see pursuing matters to the end as much more preferable as you can delude yourself into thinking you didn't just waste years of your life and energies. Another aspect is giving up all the things the WTS provides and having to get a real job, pay rent, food and utilities........staying and playing the part with power and praise is much more appealing then trying to get a job at 50+ with no education and little employment history. .... It makes you realize and appreciate Ray Franz in so many ways, he could have easily succeeded his Uncle and been running the joint right now! But instead he wouldn't live a lie for material gain. He put spiritual matters first and paid a heavy price.

    For many men,the JWs give them a soapbox to stand on. They get to be 'special and important' cuz they have a penis. Being treated as above another makes men swell with pride more then often. Power and praise are addicting because they stimulate the pleasure chemicals in our brains.

    Some doctrines are truly believed, but others are not............ Heck even I still believe in the core 3.

    Here is Randy's (Dogpatch) thread link aligot mentioned http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/164271/1.ashx

  • jws

    Unfortunately the organization will always be the same. I don't know about that. We've seen modifications to the 1914 doctrine back around '94. They publish the Awake once a month now. They shortened the Sunday meeting and shortened and combined the book study, ministry school, and service meeting onto one night. Somehow I can't imagine the old guard being in favor of any of those things. Granted, some of those things might be forced upon them. They had to tweak the 1914 thing. Their 70-80 years for a generation was ending. They were forced to do something. But in general, for a hard-liner, any change is bad. It means admitting you were wrong. That the policies you had in place weren't working and needed change. The GB tries to present this image of being directed by God. Well, either God changes his mind a lot or God's not running the show. The more change you have, the more you expose the truth. But in fact there is change. That means there are JWs who are being born who will be raised with different teachings, different schedules, and different attitudes than I was. And who knows where changes will lead in the future? I know that things changed before I was born. I wasn't raised the same as JWs born in the 1920's or 1930's were. It seems like before Knorr, with each president (Russell, Rutherford) the organization underwent huge changes. Even with Knorr. But I think Knorr set the modern tone for JWs and things haven't changed as drastically since. But change is still happening. I will be expecting more and more change. Right now the JWs are struggling. They're obviously losing ground. The more they lose people, the more desperate they will be to find something that works. I don't think they're even close now. I could see things getting pretty radical compared to what we experienced. What's next? Christmas is OK, but at some time in the fall closer to when Christ's actual birthday might have been? Birthdays OK? New blood policies? More lenient punishments than disfellowshipping? I can definitely see them going more mainstream to attract and retain people.

  • Farkel


    It wasn't that long ago that JWs were saying things would really change for the better when "Saul" died. That's what they called him, "Saul", meaning Fred Franz. Well, "Saul" died and "Saul, Jr." took over and when "Saul, Jr." (Teddie J.) dies there will likely be a "Saul III."

    The only thing that can REALLY shake up the WTS is money as in "losing it." Loss of members in and of itself is not important to them, but since loss of members = loss of money, then that becomes very important.

    Never forget: this is a Corporation first and a religion second.


  • stillajwexelder

    Who is Theodore Jaracz

    a WANKER

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