God gave FREE WILL...WT does not ALLOW IT.....and a ???

by oompa 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    Having experienced the shunning of nearly all my old friends, I realize that although WT can not stop you from expressing your own thoughts (free will), they certainly do have enough control mechanisms in place to make you less likely to do so. I was an open apostate for awhile, not on purpose, was just expressing myself to anyone who would listen about how we had been duped.....lied to about certain things. I chose to shut up and shut down for the most part since I knew a full DF would be even harder on my wife and our marriage. And of course virtually all my family is still in (i am 4th gen).

    There apparently are JW's who do agree 100% with all WT teachings (my wife). But I warned one old friend recently who does not believe that only JW's will survive Armageddon that he better keep that to himself. While I of course do not believe that either, and know many other dubs who don't as well, I let my friend know that if he expressed his own thoughts, own opinions....beliefs about this matter that he would wind up df'd as an apostate. That took him back a bit as he is an incredibly active and privileged JW....and yet he knew I was right. He really had not realised that by compartmentalizing this little idea in in his mind, he was actually going against the good ol FDS!!! I bet most dubs have many things they really do not agree with the party line of the FDS on, but just keep it to themselves......I know my elder/dad does.......

    What do you think are the most common things active dubs privately do not agree with the FDS on?....................oompa

    and i wonder how many cheat on taxes just a bit?

  • leavingwt

    Vasectomy Surgery - I feel confident that brothers will privileges have this done, and keep it quiet.

  • wobble

    I guess as with the "Big Thing" that woke each of us up everybody has one or two things,different from each other.

    For example I outlined about twenty things that I was having trouble with to a Bro. when I first stopped going to meetings and he came back with the rather obscure "I don't believe the Holy Spirit appoints brothers to positions",well neither did I ever,only as far as the Elders would compare his qualifications with those in Scripture,but apparently some believe that the HS does direct matters.

    He also added "And I have proof"

    I guess since he has recently been appointed he has proof positive.

    But any Dub with two sparking braincells must have at least SOMETHING !



  • BluesBrother

    Sure they do, but they wisly keep it to themselves or just have a knowing nod and sigh saying "We will have to wait and see how it works out in practice"

    Since most dubs are not raving sadists who want to slaughter everybody, the judgement of "wicked" upon non dubs for just not acting on the message , is a key point of disbelief at heart. But the WT has given a fuzzy view sometimes that allows this view to circulate unspoken.

    Others may be : The lions etc going vegetarian in the N World, and living on your lawn.

    Sister, always subordinate...How many household really operate that way?

    As previously said, the H/S spirit appointing elders...they can see with their own eyes ......

    If they ever admit it, they all have a political viewpoint, just do not say it aloud at the Hall

  • Summer wine
    Summer wine

    Most JWs I know dont think, believe, only JWs will survive the big "A", my daughter included. Maybe thats the road of reason I should take with her !


    Oompa..You can get most JW`s to say "The WBT$ isn`t perfect."..Right there,that tells you they don`t agree with the WBT$ about something..Most are afraid to speak up..The ones that do are D/F.....................................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Scully

    Of course the WTS allows people to exercise free will.

    However, they have made it clear what the consequences will be for anyone who exercises their free will in a manner which they do not approve.

    You see, they have given you a choice.

    They have also given everyone you know a choice.

    The choice boils down to loyalty to Jehovah™ (aka the Faithful and Discreet Slave™, DBA the Watchtower Society) or disloyalty to Jehovah™ (aka the Faithful and Discreet Slave™, aka the Watchtower Society). You have the free will to choose one or the other and the rights, privileges and/or consequences of that choice, but you can't pick and choose which parts you want and which parts you don't want. Nor can you expect anyone to compromise their own loyalty to Jehovah™ (aka the Faithful and Discreet Slave™, DBA the Watchtower Society) just so that you can be happy.

    Happiness is not part of the deal. When you're in and you don't realize it's crap yet, you're miserable because you are never ever doing enough to keep up with the requirements to make Jehovah™ (aka the Faithful and Discreet Slave™, DBA the Watchtower Society) happy, but at least you have your friends and family who are just as miserable and down on themselves as you are for being so unworthy of Jehovah's Undeserved Kindness™. When you're in and you know it's crap, you're miserable because you aren't being true to yourself. When you're out and being true to yourself, they go out of their way to make you miserable with shunning and psychological abuse.

    That, my friend, is the entire JW cult experience, in a nutshell.

  • SixofNine

    There's no such thing as "free will". It's a silly notion that isn't worth 10 minutes worth of thought, but over which mankind has been mentally masturbating for as long as it's been since some idiot introduced the concept. And that is really stretching the definition of the word "concept".

  • ataloa
    "I don't believe the Holy Spirit appoints brothers to positions",well neither did I ever,only as far as the Elders would compare his qualifications with those in Scripture,but apparently some believe that the HS does direct matters.

    I went for a round with the CO on this one. At the time I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I asked him, when I know that the man doesn't meet some of those qualifications, how do you reconcile his appointment with that long list of scriptural qualifications? His answer to me - "you don't have anything to say about it".

    Now I know that there must be a lot of witnesses that know better, because there was a talk on it after that at an assembly.

  • Cheetos

    You are where I am am at now, I have learned I don't need to change them I just need to relax and let Jehovah do what he feels like doing. For me this holiday season I am going to set back like I am doing right now and drink a high ball (JD) and not be all keyed up over religion.

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