God gave FREE WILL...WT does not ALLOW IT.....and a ???

by oompa 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Good choice Cheetos. This whole mess is God's to sort out, not ours.

  • passwordprotected

    @ scully - without a doubt, one of the best posts I've ever read on here.

  • Robert7

    Oompa, based on what I recall, I think it is what you said, that most people don't believe that ONLY JW's will survive Armageddon. That thought that billions alive today will die soon because of not listening to a stupid message is rather frightening and troubling. I think this is one area people keep their dissonance, and partially believe both the WTS view that only they will survive, but also believe that many others will also survive.

    In terms of getting people out of the cult, this dissonance is good. It is when this builds up, is when you snap and finally leave.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    When old ignorant uneducated men are playing God and they try and corral people around them shit happens.

    and i wonder how many cheat on taxes just a bit

    Many JWS that I know and knew cheated on their taxes since they disrespected this soon to be destroyed system of things

    so therefore why contribute to such a pointless cause like governments......they are godless Satan controlled organizations anyways

    God never gave those men the free will to establish a powerful kingdom of their own, its was the United States government.

    Thankfully we all have the free will to not become a discrete and willing slave to these select men.

  • oompa

    many also cheated on taxes because they did not want their funds going to war effort....and robert7 I only hope you and your wife have many of your old friends awakening to the fact that if they speak their real thoughts on ANYTHING they do not agree with the FDS on....they will be dfd as an apostate.....that is a sobering thought many have not considered i have found out...and many stay quiet because deep down...they know what would happen....................................................oompa

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