My lurking JW friend sent me a copy of this new Dec.15th rubbish on " Holding Fast to Your Integrity " - and I don't know if it's the fact I've been out of the witnesses 5 years or not - but the ludricousness of this information seems to be increasing to me.
Once again the Watchtower society makes big issues of miniscule , small time actions raising the fire alarm , but gloss over more serious sins like murder , for instance . For example , check this tidbit out from paragraph 10 - " We know that God's word forbids fornication. However, it is easy to let an obedient spirit lapse into a permissive one. For instance , some youths have engaged in oral or anal sex or mutual masturbation, rationalizing that these acts are not so bad because they think they are technically not " having sex " . Such youths forget- or may choose to ignore- that the Bible word for fornication includes all those practices , wrong conduct for which one might be disfellowshipped " Then they give a reference to The Watchtower February 15th, 2004, pg. 13 , paragraph 15 . ( If someone would print that snippet , I'd be appreciative. ) So are they saying here for " all those practices " disfellowshipping is in order ? Sick puppies. But notice no mention is made of condemning child molesters who travel from congregation to congregation going unchecked abusing children ?
Then, later in this article they show how " merciful " God can be to someone who committs adultery and has someone's husband murdered when they give the example of King David . The WT quote , " It is hard to think of David at that time as a man of integrity, is it not ? Yet, was his situation hopeless ? David needed and received strong discipline . Then, his sincere repentance led Jehovah to extend mercy." So once again we see how simple it is for Jehovah's Witnesses to excuse child molesters among them if they allow a person to be redeemed for the action of murder - no great stretch to ignore child abuse ! What they consider SIN and make big issues over is incredibly hypocritical , compared to what grievous offenses they really let slide by , or consider less seriously.
One last point. This article uses the example of David's obedience to King Saul- even though Saul was being wicked and trying to kill his a$$. Then they go on about David respecting Saul was God's anointed , not striking back. Then the article says , " We are part of a worldwide congregation of imperfect humans, any one of whom may wrong us ( governing body perhaps ? ) or even become unfaithful. Still , how will we respond should an individual let us down or hurt our feelings ? If we were to let bitterness toward a fellow worshipper poison our heart, our integrity to God could be compromised. We can also maintain integrity by avoiding a fault-finding, critical spirit. That means , of course, being loyal to Jehovah. When adjustments are made in explanation of Bible texts or in how things are done , we want to accept them. If we find it hard to understand a change , we ask Jehovah to help us to comprehend the point. " This info makes me sick !
So when witnesses are told to " maintain integrity by avoiding a fault-finding, critical spirit " , translation : " We the Watchtower society are handling things properly, child abuse scandals, everything, find fault with us and you are wicked, evil. "
Man, I'll tell ya. If there is a God - He probably looks at this organization and wonders why he just doesn't send a bolt of lightning down and put the Watchtower Society out of it's misery right now. So what do you think of this strange article ? Does it make you as mad or more upset than me ? That our own flesh and blood relatives are being mind controlled with this ridiculousness ? As always- I look forward to your takes . Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper