Dec. 15th WT - About " Integrity " - Hypocrisy Galore - What Do You Think?

by flipper 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    My lurking JW friend sent me a copy of this new Dec.15th rubbish on " Holding Fast to Your Integrity " - and I don't know if it's the fact I've been out of the witnesses 5 years or not - but the ludricousness of this information seems to be increasing to me.

    Once again the Watchtower society makes big issues of miniscule , small time actions raising the fire alarm , but gloss over more serious sins like murder , for instance . For example , check this tidbit out from paragraph 10 - " We know that God's word forbids fornication. However, it is easy to let an obedient spirit lapse into a permissive one. For instance , some youths have engaged in oral or anal sex or mutual masturbation, rationalizing that these acts are not so bad because they think they are technically not " having sex " . Such youths forget- or may choose to ignore- that the Bible word for fornication includes all those practices , wrong conduct for which one might be disfellowshipped " Then they give a reference to The Watchtower February 15th, 2004, pg. 13 , paragraph 15 . ( If someone would print that snippet , I'd be appreciative. ) So are they saying here for " all those practices " disfellowshipping is in order ? Sick puppies. But notice no mention is made of condemning child molesters who travel from congregation to congregation going unchecked abusing children ?

    Then, later in this article they show how " merciful " God can be to someone who committs adultery and has someone's husband murdered when they give the example of King David . The WT quote , " It is hard to think of David at that time as a man of integrity, is it not ? Yet, was his situation hopeless ? David needed and received strong discipline . Then, his sincere repentance led Jehovah to extend mercy." So once again we see how simple it is for Jehovah's Witnesses to excuse child molesters among them if they allow a person to be redeemed for the action of murder - no great stretch to ignore child abuse ! What they consider SIN and make big issues over is incredibly hypocritical , compared to what grievous offenses they really let slide by , or consider less seriously.

    One last point. This article uses the example of David's obedience to King Saul- even though Saul was being wicked and trying to kill his a$$. Then they go on about David respecting Saul was God's anointed , not striking back. Then the article says , " We are part of a worldwide congregation of imperfect humans, any one of whom may wrong us ( governing body perhaps ? ) or even become unfaithful. Still , how will we respond should an individual let us down or hurt our feelings ? If we were to let bitterness toward a fellow worshipper poison our heart, our integrity to God could be compromised. We can also maintain integrity by avoiding a fault-finding, critical spirit. That means , of course, being loyal to Jehovah. When adjustments are made in explanation of Bible texts or in how things are done , we want to accept them. If we find it hard to understand a change , we ask Jehovah to help us to comprehend the point. " This info makes me sick !

    So when witnesses are told to " maintain integrity by avoiding a fault-finding, critical spirit " , translation : " We the Watchtower society are handling things properly, child abuse scandals, everything, find fault with us and you are wicked, evil. "

    Man, I'll tell ya. If there is a God - He probably looks at this organization and wonders why he just doesn't send a bolt of lightning down and put the Watchtower Society out of it's misery right now. So what do you think of this strange article ? Does it make you as mad or more upset than me ? That our own flesh and blood relatives are being mind controlled with this ridiculousness ? As always- I look forward to your takes . Peace out to all, Mr. Flipper

  • Mandette

    Amen Mr Flipper,

    Pedophiles are covered up but a teenager's NATURAL urges are to be punished. Not that I'm condoning teenage sex. I'm not. But it seems to be the way of the organization to make natural impulses dirty.

    And you're totally right about the example of David and Saul in my opinion. Disagree with the GB to your peril. They've made that clear over and over again throughout the years. Oppose them and lose your family and friends.

    To listen to witnesses now is like listening to a broken record. The same things "new light", "waiting on Jehovah" etc is all they blurt out. There's nothing of substance.

    As usual, good thread Mr Flipper!!


  • frankiespeakin


    When i first left the JWs i would read thier crap to point out the flaws and BS but it left me so feeling like crap i stopped reading it. i read your comments because it was short and the torture wouldn't last that long, i really hope you didn't waist too much of your time reading everything in that piece of crap wt and ruin a good portion of your day stewing about all the bs you just read.

  • flipper

    MANDETTE- Thanks. I agree , the WT society makes sex look dirty and evil to their young people and their adults. It's disgusting . Especially since it's a normal human, natural desire. And yes- the governing body acts like they are God and declare final judgements on everything.

    FRANKIESPEAKIN- No, Frankie, I didn't waste too much time reading it. I mainly print these posts and threads up to help lurking witnesses who are sitting on the fence and hope they will jump off the fence away from the witnesses ! I'm trying to cause them to open their eyes and cause doubts to occur in them so they can break free of it

  • lavendar
    If there is a God - He probably looks at this organization and wonders why he just doesn't send a bolt of lightning down and put the Watchtower Society out of it's misery right now.

    I wish He would put the Watchtower Society out of OUR misery! Our loved ones have been held in bondage to this insideous cult long enough! Lord, please set the captives FREE.


  • WTWizard

    Making fornication between consenting adults, masturbation, and oral sex between married couples look bad while protecting pedophiles--I wonder what ever happened to taking the rafter out of their eyes before taking the straw out of ours.

  • orangefatcat

    before I left the organization I had a conversation with a young sister whose family and I have been friends of for over 26yrs so I know her very well. she confided in me one day about the younger people in the congregation and told me of some instances where a couple were going to be married and the groom was out with another sister other then his soon to be bride, and what they were doing was some heavy petting as we use to call it. She didn't want to say anything to the elders because she didn't want to be on the outs with the young people in the KH , and I couldn't force her to say anything I merely admonished her as to what to do but she didn't say anything as the wedding went one as planned. Take note their marriage didn't last to long. I wonder why? I thought afterward that this must be a huge problem among young people. However it isn't just young people older couples do it too. Its rather Ironic isn't it that the society calls it fornication but if it were two brothers or two sisters doing it it would be called homosexuality. Go figure. Yet alot of married couples practise these same so called non sexual acts. Of course the WTS doesn't even make mention of that fact. Apparently the elders don't even involve themselves with what goes on in the marital bed anymore unless one complains is perversion.

    Yes your right they seem to put more emphasis on heavy petting or whatever it is called today by young people, then on the issues of extreme importance like molestation, sexual perversation, it is as if they are almost to afraid to acknowledge this in their WT magazine. They would rather leave it alone and cover it up and hope it would go away, but they forgot one thing. Didn't they think these kids would grow up one day and blow the whistle on their abusers. I mean the Society must keep their heads in the sand to think it wouldn't come out one day. Thank God for the Andersons, Bill Bowen. Rick Feron, and all the other exjws who are ardently work at keeping the proper truth known about the organization.

    Lets not forget all the other things the society is responsible for as in breaking up families, making people die, changing policies on transplants, the number of suicides committed, the countless lives that have been lost in Malawi women children and men alike who where murdered and persecuted because ofa card and yet the brothers in Mexico bribed the authorities and this was okay with the Society. And the list goes on and on. The UN thing is also another thing the society covered up until it was exposed and they were so blase about the who thing.



  • wobble

    "When adjustments are made in explanation of Bible texts or in how things are done,we want to accept them" = the Gibbering buddy wants us to blindly accept them.

    "If we find it hard to understand a change,we ask Jehovah to help us to comprehend a point" = you thick rank and file just swallow the bullshit,if you must pray about it then just leave it alone after you've prayed,it's obviously YOUR fault you can't swallow it.

    It always angered me this way of talking down to us,it wasn't that we couldn't comprehend a point,it was that we could see it was unscriptural,total BULLS**T !

    I did pray about a lot of things,I prayed to be led to the truth,and then I found JWD! I just thought it was because I had decided to reswearch on the Net,but perhaps my prayer was answered ! I certainly found out the truth about the "Troof"



  • hamsterbait

    They claim the bible word for "fornication" means what they say it means.

    And they have changed what they say it means three times to my knowledge - resulting in divorces in the 70s for things that would not be viewed as scriptural grounds today.

    Hell, having a homo for a husband at one time was not scriptural grounds, because "adultery' could only happen between a man and another woman. Same with bestiality.

    Note they dont tell the witlesses what the bible word for "fornication" is SO THEY CANT CHECK IT IN A DICTIONARY AND DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES IF THIS IS TRUE.

    And how do they prove it means what they say it means this time?? Not by quoting the bible, but referring us to another witchtower, which refers us back to another witchtower....

    More and more they quote themselves as the authority, because they think they are the authority.


  • flipper

    LAVENDAR- You are right. The WT society certainly has caused us a lot of misery ! I hope some in our families get out of it as well some time soon.

    WT WIZARD- It is crazy how the witnesses condemn masturbation , oral sex - yet hide and virtually protect and praise pedophiles by not bringing them to justice and holding them accountable !

    ORANGEFATCAT- I too am glad we have the Andersons , Bill Bowen, and others who have called attention to the child abuse scandals . It is crazy the WT society ignores the seriousness of these issues but make huge issues over masturbation and oral sex ! They truly are hypocrites ! But the WT society as you say make excuses for everything they do ! Whether it hurts others or not. Very true, Malawi, the U.N. thing, the blood transfusion issue. I truly believe JW's would kill their own parents if they were instructed to do so by the WT society. Such is the insanity of cult mind control !

    WOBBLE- I agree. They want their members to just shut up and accept everything without challenging the information ! Then blame them when they don't accept it. Glad we got out.

    HAMSTERBAIT- I know what you mean. The WT society not only has changed the meaning and their understanding of fornication 3 times over the years - but they change their views constantly on everything !! The generation, 1914, presiding overseers now called congregation co-ordinators ! It's ridiculous . They change their view on things as often as someone changes ones clothes . I mean it never ends ! They even change the meanings of words. And you are right - I notice too that they are quoting themselves more and more as authority , because they do think they are God really ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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