Just wanna chat

by mtsgrad 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • mtsgrad

    Hi Peeps

    In the last two weeks I have been thinking of suicide everday. Don't panic I won't do it but cannot get it out of my head. I have no family (that I can talk to) and have been disowned by teh witnesses. Just learnt last week that there are rumours I am disfellowshipped. The only reason I get up each day is to run my business.

    Any tips?


  • digderidoo

    There is life after the WTS, take it from many here that know.

    Where in the UK are you from?


  • slimboyfat

    I like your avatar.

  • Hope4Others

    There are lots of posters in the UK you could meet up with, I think you need to talk

    and find a friend to chat with amongst all us. There is a big apostafest coming up on April the 11th...

    Hang in there ok! I'd be happy to call you....just give the word.


  • caliber

    Those talking about suicide are asking more for help than death. There is a point of despair that is sometimes reached and can be viewed aspermanent. Of course it isn't but that can be hard to see at the time. You're doing the right thing in sharing these thoughts

    It has been said " suicide was bad decision making, "a permanent solution to a temporary problem." I agree with this but understand how the desperate mindset can lose sight of the "temporary problem" part of it.

    As humans our biggest mistake can be to limit our hopes and dreams and to let our determination be discouraged. Always start by taking a day at a time.. go out for a meal...

    do a hobby.. talk to a friend..take a long walk.. anything but sit alone in despair. (PM some more local people on JWD)

    all the best


  • caliber


  • digderidoo

    Just been pm'ing, it seems he cant see this thread for some reason, so worth pm'ing him,


  • yknot

    I am so sorry you are experiencing this low period.

    Have you consulted with your physician?

    Until you do speak to him/her........ what things are you doing to boost your seratonin levels?

    If you aren't already, try to get at least 15 minutes of direct sunlight, drink plenty of fluids(water is best!), and raise your heartbeat through exercise for at least 30-50 minutes per day and aim for at least 8 hours of restful sleep.

    Are you in a relationship?

    Do you have any hobbies or interests.

    Perhaps now is the time to venture into books like Steve Hassan's and Ray's.

    Maybe enroll in an art class!

    Maybe get a pet, unconditional love is very theraputic

    Keep posting......

    A very concerned about you being healthy and balanced....Yknot.

  • yknot

    PMd too.....

  • StAnn

    I can tell you one thing: you are a human being and you deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Disfellowshipping is designed to strip away your humanity and your dignity. It is a cruel and unjust way to treat a fellow human being.

    Everyone on this list understands how you feel.

    We may not have met you in person but, because of our shared experience with the WTS, we are truly brothers and sisters in arms who love each other.

    You are not alone and you are not unloved, nor are you unlovable.

    Hang in there and keep posting. Things do get better in time.


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