Just wanna chat

by mtsgrad 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • caliber


    I think there is much practical advise for all of us to reflect on and try to keep a positive

    upbeat frame of mind.. I belief most would agree that life is not always "a bowl of cherries "

    I feel "ynots" advice about reading like Ray Franz book can be good in two ways...it focus's

    our mind into another area thought.. also if religion is part of the problem as they say..

    "the best defense is a good offense " ... fortify in your own mind about the value and common sense

    that your updated beliefs system contain ! Our belief system is not something that can be switched on and

    off like a light switch... one step ahead two steps back is quite normal.... time may be your greatest friend !

    Just know that thousands have been at these crossroads ahead of you... most of us accepted things

    on mere trust and faith... we didn't think our way in but now we must think our way out (a more challenging task )

    The whole disfellowship thing is done with a purpose .... creating the holding power of a dead-end challenge !


  • mtsgrad

    Thanks everyone. Off to work after 3hrs sleep. Will message when I return.

  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    All of the above is great advice, rest, exercise,healthy diet. However at this point you really should seek some professional help. Please make an appointment today. This is a tremendous change to deal with and often people need help getting through such a traumatic event. Keep us posted. My thoughts are with you today.

  • Hope4Others

    I hope your day went well at work, do try to nap when you get home....I hope

    today is a little brighter...please keep in touch with all who have pm'd you, you know we all

    do care...and I hope to meet you in the spring I will be over for 2 weeks...

    Keep your chin up!!!!!


  • yknot

    I hope you got through the day okay, but instead of posting ....... probably better that you get some extra sleep tonight!

  • Hortensia

    hope you feel better soon - maybe some physical exercise would do you good - at least make you tired enough to sleep.

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