I was df'd in 1997 after being baptised for 5 years. JWs are my only religious experience in my entire life. I was df'd for their wild definition of "loose conduct". Anyways before and up to the judicial hearing I was a nervous wreck. Right after the hearing I actually felt serene and free. I went out to a bar/restaurant and sat there and drank a beer. I felt free. After my wife conspired with the elders to use the "absolute spiritual endangerment" reason to separate from me, I got angry, real angry. I then vowed a violent bloody revenge on two particular elders who were assigned to my judicial hearing when I was first df'd. Coincidentally they are father and son. I vowed to myself secretly that I'd fatally wound or even kill one of their family members just like they "took" my wife away from me. I was very bitter and angry because the dfing caused my marriage to go bad. I even tried for a couple months to get reinstated in a nearby congregation for the sole reason to be able to speak my mind to those elders about the situation.
Not long after that I got ahold of Ray Franz "Crisis of Conscience" and also his "In Search of Christian Freedom" After reading those books, all the anger and all the bitterness has gone away. I now realize that all JWs are victims. Victims of the WT cult. I went from anger and bitterness to actually feeling pity for those men. I no longer hold any resentment toward them at all. I can only hope they realize their errors and come to understand what Christ is really about. They only did what they felt was the Christian thing to do under the WT. They did'nt know any better. I forgive them completely.
Today I am much happier without that burden on my back. I am free to have faith in the freedom of the Christ.