Barak Obaham will be sworn in as the first Afro-American president of what is arguably the most powerful nation on earth on January 20, 2009. Will this usher in a new age or will the actions not match the rhetoric?
The new world will be here January 20, 2009 - what changes are you expectin
by eyeslice 38 Replies latest jw friends
Sadly still a strong possibility.......... Biden Presidency
He will start being busy implimenting his staff and the basic stuff done the first year in office of any President.
But, may be he'll do more in his first year than Christ's kingdom has since 1914?
According to an Obama follower, it is anticipated that he will " allow me not to worry about paying my mortgage and will put gas in my car"...interesting take...for any who have some money...better hide your wallet...on the other hand, with Obama as president and Pelosi and Reid heading a democratic Congress, we will all get a first hand view of what a "tax and spend government is like" (in case we forgot)...after just 4 years the deficit could increase 50% (net of the reduced involvement in Iraq) and government at all levels continue to get larger. Increased taxes will be necessary to fund it (or greatly reduced spending which is not likely)
Obama is inheriting a gigantic issue re the finincial situation alone...the "credit crunch" is being resolved...but the country is in recesion and everything bad relating to business contraction will happen on his good should have turned within 2-3 years just in time for him to run again with a more prosperous economy as a tail wind.
just my take...
To solve the economic problems, I would suggest to have 20% tax on income. And in the begining just print more money to pay salaries to governmental workers in all countries if the collected taxes are not sufficient.
I think the change will be that the government will swing from the Nazzi right back to the center ala the Bill Clinton era.
And several years from now we will be on our way to an economic recovery.
Bush never dealt with Bin Laden, hes still out there and will be out there unless Obam goes and gets him like he said he will.
Bin Laden and the moslem terrorist are the joker in the deck of cards.
I think Obama will be pro Israel so the Moslems will still be on the war path.
I agree presidents dont do what they say they are going to do and congress and the senate has to be on board and in agreement.
One of the few times the above does not apply is when you have a president declaring war on miss and false information.
Then a president can do untold damage like George Bush.
When Obama says people wont have to worry about paying their mortgage why do you have to think that means a hand out?
Why cant it mean that Obama will work at providing meaningfull jobs for people so they can pay their bills?
And if it went as far as a hand out wouldnt it be better to hand assistance out to people trying to pay their house payment than wealthy bankers who would just blow the money on a party and golden parachutes.
It seems like George Bush and the republican party controls their minions by fear.
Which allows someone like Obama to become president by talking about release and hope from fear.
Both sides talk a lot the democrat side seems a lot more hopeful.
Given the topic is "the new world" - what about health care? Sure the mess that the most prosperous nation in the world is in with health care not being universally available needs sorting??
well we didn't pick the lesser of 2 evils.