But your response to everything is some remark that you apparently consider witty and a statement that everybody around you is an ignoramus that needs to study harder.
Bit of an exaggeration don't you think? I've never called anyone an ignoramus on this site,(I admit, I did imply that TopHat was something similar) although I have been called one, as well as told to leave my country multiple times. I was actually commenting to Hill and AkJeff, two people I have PM'd with happily many times, I respect them both. As a matter of fact, it's because I respect them and thier intelligence that I find the comments on this thread disappointing. I used the word hyperbole, because I believe the boys are well aware that they are exaggerating for effect. You yourself said you agree that this thread is a lot of hot air, I chose to call it misinformation and essentially suggest to correct it. Nothing more, nothing less. Seems your comments were actually the more condescending and rude.
Books, here are a couple
"Financial Shock, A 360 Degree look at the Subprime Mortgage Implosion" Mark Zandi
"Supercapitalism" Robert Reich
"Private Yankee Doodle" Joesph Plumb Martin (so cool)
"Special Occasions" John Hadamuscin (oh you probably don't want that, it's a cookbook)
I work at the Library, it's so tough to be discriminating.