World War 1 Vets Still Living
Here are some estimates and anecdotes from different countries:
* In January 2005 that the Dept. of Veterans Affairs estimated about 100 left in the USA.
* In Australia on July 7, 2004, there were only 5 (out of the 350,000 who served overseas) veterans left. They range in ages from 104 to 106 years old.
* The last Australian veteran who fought in WW1, died Monday 17 October 2005. "Evan Allan died late on Monday night at the age of 106, leaving only one living connection with the 'war to end all wars' - Jack Ross, 106, who enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in 1918, but who never saw a shot fired in anger."
* By November 2004, the French WW1 veterans were 15 (aged from 103 to 109 years old).
* There are 4 still alive in Canada. As of October, 2008, only 1 Canadian WW1 veteran is alive.
* The last New Zealand WWI Veteran, Victor "Bob" Rudd, died on 20 November 2005 aged 104.
* With the Nov 2005 death of Alfred Anderson, there remains only about 8 British WWI veterans. Anderson was the last of the British soldiers to be shipped out in 1914, and the last survivor of the Xmas 1914 truce in no-man's land.
* According to an article in the November 2004 in the Washington Times, there are only 44 First World War veterans still alive. A 1997 Veterans of Foreign Wars Magazine article put the number at 1,300 - so that is some indication of the rate their numbers are dwindling. Of course, seven months after the Times article, the number is probably quite a bit lower. None of these veterans can be younger than 100.
* As of November 2004 the US VA web page states 23 WWI vets are receiving VA pensions. The same page gives and estimate of 100 living WWI vets nationwide.
* In September 2005, there was only one remaining American WWI veteran and there were reports that he was seriously ill. Regretfully, he was soon gone. Jack J. Smith died on September 23, 2005 at age 108. He was the last man standing from World War 1. There are now no surviving veterans. **This is erroneous. As of July 8, 2008, Frank Buckles is still alive, and seems to be the last surviving American WWI veteran. He is 107 years old and lives in West Virginia.**
* According to this site below and many others I have read, 66 have died this in 2005 alone (one as recent as october 17th) leaving 88 left. Chances are they will probably all be gone in the next year or two.
* On 4 August 2004, the 90th anniversary of the start of the war, in London there was a ceremony honoring the remaining Brit vets still alive. 23 in England. The four who were at the ceremony were 108, 106, 104, 103. The latter walked with help to lay a wreath at the centotaph.